
wú yín
  • vast;boundless;oceanic
无垠 [wú yín]
  • [oceanic;vast;boundless] 广阔无边

  • 碧波无垠

无垠[wú yín]
  1. 浩瀚无垠的天空上繁星闪烁。

    Stars are twinkling in the boundless sky .

  2. 请打开门,你将拥有无垠的蓝天。

    Please open the door , you will have the boundless sky .

  3. 太空的无垠距离遥远得让人类的大脑无法理解。

    The infinite distances of space are too great for the human mind to comprehend .

  4. 当她开始穿越沙漠时,她发现自己慢慢地消失在了广袤无垠的沙漠中。

    As she started , she found herself slowly disappearing into the sand .

  5. 当她开始穿越沙漠时,她发现自己慢慢地消失在了广袤无垠的沙漠中。经过多次尝试,她还是失败了。

    As she started , she found herself slowly disappearing into the sand.After many tries , she still failed .

  6. 孩子们相聚在无垠世界的海边,欢叫着手舞足蹈。

    On the seashore of endless worlds the children meet with shouts and dances .

  7. 石头从黑暗的无垠俯瞰着我们,一个死的象征

    The stone glares down at us out of the black boundlessness , a memento mori .

  8. 宇宙的浩瀚无垠

    the immensity of the universe

  9. 据大家所说,这矿藏是在WeaversNeedle的郊外,该地区在凤凰城外,广阔无垠、以其地理结构闻名。

    Most accounts place the mine in the vicinity of Weavers Needle , a large and well-known formation outside of Phoenix .

  10. 天空,也像这无垠的大地一样没有尽头。

    The sky , like the land , does not stop .

  11. 宇宙广阔无垠,没开始和结束。

    The universe is endless , without a beginning or end .

  12. 而横陈在我们眼前的却是无垠永恒的荒漠。

    And yonder all before us lie Deserts of vast eternity .

  13. 广阔无垠的芦苇湿地宁静而充满魅力。

    The vast reed wetlands are both quiet and attractive .

  14. 爱,广博无垠深奥难解,虽然它也是残酷的。

    Love is broad and profound , yet also cruel .

  15. 只是无垠大海中的一颗水滴。

    Just a drop of water in an endless sea .

  16. 无垠的宇宙中,一个新的生命诞生了。

    In the boundless universe , a new life is been born .

  17. “我崇拜您的广阔无垠。”芦草轻声呢喃。

    " I admire your immensity ," whispers a bulrush .

  18. 因此,对于研究主体来说,文学史具有广阔无垠的空间,有一种永恒的潜在张力。

    It 's an amplitude space and eternal strain for its researchers .

  19. 当我孤独时,我遐思那无垠的天际而怅然失语;

    When I 'm alone I dream on the horizon and words fail ;

  20. 头上无垠的天空静止,不息的海水狂暴。

    The infinite sky is motionless overhead And the restless water is boisterous .

  21. 我们所了解的事物徽不足道,而不了解的却是浩瀚无垠。

    We know is nothing , what we do not know is immense .

  22. 超越宇宙浩瀚无垠太空人-伍迪!

    Beyond infinity , Space Ranger . - Woody !

  23. 太阳照耀着冰封的无垠海洋

    and the sun illuminates a giant frozen ocean ,

  24. 我喜欢辽阔无垠的幅员和美丽的风景。

    I like the vastness and the beautiful scenery .

  25. 我知道时间是多么永恒无垠。

    And I know yhe amplitude of time .

  26. 也许是飘浮在无垠的空中,也许是深埋在广袤的土地里。

    Probably floating in the sky , or deep down in the vast land .

  27. 这无垠的宇宙对我都是虚幻;

    For nothing this wide universe I call ,

  28. 广大无垠的堪萨斯草原虽然美丽,却隐藏著无法预知的危险。

    The vast Kansas prairie is beautiful , but holds hidden dangers as well .

  29. 天际下广阔无垠的草原以及富饶的热带海洋

    grassy plains beneath vast horizons and richtropical seas

  30. 宇宙既广袤无垠又神秘莫测。

    The universe is vast and mysterious .