
  1. 论文首先阐述了P2P网络的发展和特点,对P2P和传统的C/S模型做了比较,并对三种有代表性的P2P协议进行了分析比较。

    The thesis first describes the development of P2P networks and characteristics of P2P computing , and compares it with the traditional C / S model .

  2. 本文对三种有代表性PSCADA技术方案进行比较分析,阐述了在选择PSCADA系统方案时应注意的问题。

    This paper analyzes three different kinds of typical PSCADA technology solutions , and describes what we should pay attention at selection of technology solution for PSCADA system .

  3. 三种有益菌混合发酵剂制备及在辣椒育苗中的应用研究

    Preparation of the Fermentation Broth of Three Kinds of Beneficial Microorganism and Its Application Research on Pepper Seedling Raising

  4. 对北京市三种有代表性的住宅建筑及住宅小区的采暖系统进行了实测。

    The heating systems of three typical structures of residential buildings and of the housing estates were selected and measured .

  5. 然后专门分析了西方国家、东方国家和制度转型国家三种有代表性的改革类型。

    There are three types of representative reforms which come from western countries , eastern countries and countries in transformation .

  6. 并且根据不同的国情,形成了三种有代表性的模式:强制、自愿为主强制为辅和强制与担保结合。

    And according to different national conditions , three representative models have been formed : compulsory , voluntary and compulsory combined with guarantee .

  7. 本文介绍三种有代表性的定义方法,并通过实例分析,比较了后两种方法的联系与区别。

    Three main approaches on the definition of nonstationarity are presented , further more the correlation and difference of the rear two are illustrated .

  8. 而第三种有缺陷的基因,与另外两种密切相关,也能在口吃患者身上发现,但是对照组身上就没有。

    A third defective gene , which is closely related to the other two , was also found among stammerers but not among the controls .

  9. 以优势结构面理论为指导,以结构面的精确测绘为手段,通过统计、归纳与分析,提出三种有利于台地危险土体变形破坏的优势组合形式;

    Under the guidance of theory of dominant structural surface and adopting precision measurement of structural surface , proposed three dominant kinds of structural surface assembling ;

  10. 第二章质性课程评价模式研究主要审视了三种有代表性的课程评价模式即回应模式、解释模式、教育批评和教育鉴赏模式。

    " 2 2 Models of Qualitative Evaluation " explored three representative models : responsive evaluation model , illuminative evaluation model , and educational criticism & educational connoisseurship model .

  11. 1997年在日本京都通过了《京都议定书》,该议定书提出了三种有助发达国家完成减排任务的机制。

    In 1997 passed " the Kyoto Protocol " in the Japanese Kyoto . Three mechanisms were proposed in the Protocol to help industrialized countries reducing the CO2 emissions .

  12. 在卫星个数相同条件下对三种有代表性的卫星广播调度要求进行了实验比较,说明了不同的调度要求对收敛速度的影响。

    Different schedule demands of the same size have a little influence on the convergent speed , which can be found in the test comparisons to three representative schedule demands .

  13. 在中国部分的章节里着重介绍了画像砖、琉璃饰面、砖刻等三种有代表性的壁饰形式。

    Then I introduce the three representative forms of mural decoration including brick of figure , the veneer of colored glaze and brick engraved in the chapters of Chinese part .

  14. 本文提出以混合稀土氯化物作为Diels&Alder反应催化剂,催化三种有工业应用价值的环加成反应.用混合氯化稀土催化合成柠檬酸三丁酯

    The mixed rare earth chlorides were used to catalyze three kinds of Diels-Alder reactions which are of industrial significance . Synthesis of tributyl citrate with mixed rare earth chlorides as catalyst

  15. 这部分首先分别介绍了国外三种有代表性的农村医疗保险制度,即日本农村的国民健康保险、德国的农业者疾病保险和巴西的全民医疗保险。

    It starts with the description of three representative foreign rural medical systems , namely , " citizens ' health insurance " in Japan , and rural medical insurance system in both Germany and Brazil .

  16. 根据国内有关学者的研究,高新技术产业开发区、外向型贸易加工区和较发达的专业化乡镇企业区是三种有可能或正在形成中的新产业区类型。

    According to related studies of domestic researchers , high-tech industry district and export-oriented commerce district and specialized township and village enterprise are three kinds of new industry district types which may become or being become .

  17. 并且这三种激素有利于胸(腺嘧啶脱氧核)苷掺入和抑制药物诱导的细胞凋亡

    These three hormones also robustly stimulated thymidine incorporation and inhibited drug-induced apoptosis .

  18. 本文在对王氏代数、k-树组和MINTY这三种求有向树组的典型方法进行分析之后,提出了一种生成有向树组的拓扑方法。

    Having analysed the " W-algebra "," K-tree terms " and " MINTY ", the three typical methods of generating direct tree terms , the paper advances a new topological one .

  19. 如果他们使用企业架构方法的话,三种都有可能。

    Perhaps all three if they use an enterprise architecture method .

  20. 第三种错误有一点严重。

    The third type of mistake is a little more serious .

  21. 上面三种机制有无数种变体。

    There are innumerable variations on the three mechanisms above .

  22. 所以,这三种文化有什么共同特性呢?

    So , what are the common denominators in these three cultures ?

  23. 这三种剑有什么区别?

    What are the differences among the three swords ?

  24. 对这三种情形有必要予以整体性的综合研究。

    We have the necessity to give synthetic study to these three integral situations .

  25. 研究发现除了哌嗪在此类反应上反应活性低之外,其余三种都有着良好的催化性能。

    We discovered that besides the piperazine other three kinds has good catalyzed performance .

  26. 但是,三种最有成效的解决方法全部都是政策范畴的东西。

    The three most productive solutions , however , are all matters of policy .

  27. 在这个问题上,本章选取了三种较为有影响力的观点进行评析。

    In this point , the part chooses three more influencing views to analyse .

  28. 这三种因素有一个共性:它们都先入为主地假定了主观的艺术认知。

    These three factors of variation have one thing in common : they all presuppose the artistic recognition of subjectivity .

  29. 虽然前三种理论有其独特的优势,但是对于成功塑造品牌还远远不够。

    Though the three traditional branding models enjoy their distinctive advantages , it is far enough for building a brand successfully .

  30. 目前,除了梳齿密封外,蜂窝密封、刷式密封及指尖密封是三种最有前景的密封。本文的工作主要包括这三种密封的设计、制作方法的探讨,及其封严性能的试验研究。

    By now , the honeycomb seal , brush seal and finger seal are three kinds of the most prospective seals .