
  • 网络the Graces;Three Graces
  1. 克罗斯请求爱神阿佛洛狄特赋予了它美丽的容貌;让酒神狄俄尼索斯浇洒了神酒,使它拥有了芬芳的气味。又有美惠三女神将魅力、聪颖和欢乐赐予了它。

    She asked the help of Aphrodite , the goddess of love , who gxdye her beauty Dionysus , the god of wine , added nectar to give her a sweet scent , and the three Graces gxdye her charm , brightness and joy .

  2. 他以他那座命运三女神的雕塑而闻名。

    He was known for his sculpture of the Fates .

  3. 倾听我的声音,控制生命线的命运三女神!

    Translator 1 : Hear me , Sisters who control the threads !

  4. 拉基西斯命运三女神之一,专司命运之索。

    One of the three fates , the measurer of the thread of destiny .

  5. 希腊神话里,阿特洛波斯是手握生杀大权的命运三女神之一。

    In Greek mythology , Atropos was one of the three fates - the one who cut the thread of life .

  6. 让酒神狄俄尼索斯浇洒了神酒,使它拥有了芬芳的气味。又有美惠三女神将魅力、聪颖和欢乐赐予了它。

    Dionysus , the god of wine , added nectar3 to give her a sweet scent , and the three Graces4 gave her charm , brightness and joy .

  7. 苹果在赫拉,雅典娜和阿芙罗狄蒂三位女神间引起了激烈争执。

    It caused a violent quarrel among the three goddesses , Hera , Athena and Aphrodite .

  8. 酒庄名称瑟琳来自希腊神话中的三位月亮女神。

    The Selene name comes from Greek mythology .

  9. 根据传说,特洛伊战争因三位希腊女神的争议而起。

    According to legend , the Trojan War had its genesis in a dispute between three Greek goddesses .

  10. 命运女神有三;复仇女神有三;美惠女神有三。迷信的人认为人由三部分构成,即身、魂、灵。

    The Fates were three , the Furies three , the Graces three . Superstitious people believe that man is made up of three parts , that is , body , soul , and spirit .

  11. 三位美丽的女神立即互相争吵起来,并且充分向牧童显示自己的美貌。

    The three holy beauties then competed with each other , showing themselves up before the shepherd .