
  • 网络harim
  1. 在当代蒙古歌坛上,哈琳的出现是一个奇迹。

    Thus in the contemporary singing field of Mongolia , Halin 's coming out is a miracle .

  2. 哈琳的子孙中,有玛西雅,以利雅,示玛雅,耶歇,乌西雅。

    And of the sons of harim , Maaseiah and Elijah and Shemaiah and Jehiel and uzziah .

  3. 哈琳的儿子玛基雅,和巴哈摩押的儿子哈述修造一段,并修造炉楼。

    Malchijah the son of Harim , and Hashub the son of Pahathmoab , repaired the other piece , and the tower of the furnaces .

  4. 哈琳的歌曲《遥远的妈妈》、《天韵摇篮曲》、《年迈的妈妈》、《字母歌》等,已经成为蒙古民族悠远心声最深情的诠释。

    Halin 's songs ," Mother in far "," Ethereal lullaby "," Elder mother "," Songs of alphabet " etc. , have become the most tender interpretation of long ago Mongol aspirations .