
  • Harpy;Hobbit;Haby
  1. 鹰的名字来自哈比(Harpy),神话中的一个复仇者。

    The harpy from which the eagle derives its name was a mythical wreaker of vengeance .

  2. 自主式杀人机器正在成为现实,以色列已经拥有了哈比(Harpy)反雷达无人机,它可以在空中漫无目的地飞行,然后自主选择目标并加以摧毁。

    Autonomous killing machines are becoming reality - Israel already has its Harpy anti-radar drone , which loiters in the sky before choosing and destroying targets itself .

  3. 没有哈比人,她们吃什么?

    What do they eat when they can 't get Hobbit ?

  4. 不过你的意志力真是惊人我亲爱的哈比朋友

    But you have some strength in you , my dear Hobbit

  5. 所有的哈比人都热爱能够生长的东西。

    For all Hobbits share a love of things that grow .

  6. 《去而复返:哈比人的故事》。

    There and Back Again : A Hobbit 's Tale .

  7. 晚上好,我叫哈比贝拉艾

    Xie xie . Good evening . My name is Habbi Belahal .

  8. 但是你的生命力真强,亲爱的哈比人。

    But you have some strength in you , my dear Hobbit .

  9. 袋底洞、袋射排、哈比屯、西区夏尔。

    Bag End , Bagshot Row , Hobbiton , Westfarthing , the Shire .

  10. 别理他,小哈比人。

    Pay no heed to that , young Hobbit .

  11. 哈比人会葬身于此!

    This will be the death of the Hobbits !

  12. 《去而复返哈比人的故事》比尔博·巴金斯著

    A Hobbit 's Tale , by Bilbo Baggins .

  13. 我们需要大一点的空间呢,毕竟我们不是哈比人。

    We 're gonna need a bigger space , unless we 're hobbits .

  14. 如果你们想歇一晚,我们有哈比人住的舒适房间。

    If you 're seeking accommodation , we got some cozy Hobbit-sized rooms available .

  15. 哈比人将塑造出未来的所有命运

    when Hobbits will shape the fortunes of all

  16. 巴金斯家族不住这里,他们都住在哈比屯。

    There 's no Bagginses around here . They 're all up in Hobbiton .

  17. 艾伦哈比教授描写.有种力量能把机器人变成真人

    Professor Allen Hobby writes of the power which will transform Mecha into Orga .

  18. 他们要将哈比人带到艾辛格

    They are taking the Hobbits to lsengard .

  19. 不久的将来,哈比人将决定世界的命运。

    For the time will soon come when Hobbits will shape the fortunes of all .

  20. 不久的将来哈比人将决定世界的命运。

    For the time will soon come , when Hobbits will shape the fortunes of all .

  21. 你不会真的以为哈比人能对抗索伦吧?

    You did not seriously think that a Hobbit could contend with the will of Sauron ?

  22. 哈比人真不可思议。

    Hobbits really are amazing creatures .

  23. 小哈比人,你很有胆量,但是这救不了你。

    You have a stout heart , little Hobbit . But that will not save you .

  24. 哈比人真是最令人惊讶的种族

    Hobbits really are amazing creatures

  25. 老实说,有人说哈比人唯一的热爱就是食物。

    In fact , it has been remarked by some that Hobbits'only real passion is for food .

  26. 事实上,有人曾经评论过哈比人唯一的狂热就是美食。

    In fact , it has been remarked by some that Hobbits ' only real passion is for food .

  27. 数百年来哈比人一直都在夏尔的四区开恳种植、安居乐业。

    Hobbits have been living and farming in the four Farthings of the Shire for many hundreds of years .

  28. 哈比人的存在微不足道。他们并非骁勇善战的武士,也不算是聪明绝顶的智者。

    Hobbits must seem of little importance being neither renowned as great warriors nor counted among the very wise .

  29. 哈比人一定显得不重要,因为我们既不是骁勇的战士也不被认为特别有智慧。

    Hobbits must seem of little importance , being neither renowned as great warriors nor counted among the very wise .

  30. 在四月五日即将举行的阿富汗总统选举中,哈比吧·萨拉比是竞选副总统一职的最杰出女性。

    Habiba Sarabi is the most prominent woman running on a ticket for vice president in the April 5th Afghan presidential elections .