
  1. 1978年,唐山皮影《三打白骨精》被香港影业公司搬上银幕。

    In1978 , Tangshan Shadow Play'Beat the White Bone Demon for Three Times'was adapted into movie by Hong Kong Movie Company .

  2. 《三打白骨精》票房达1.476亿人民币,而《澳门风云3》则赚得1.459亿票房。

    Monkey King 2 has reportedly collected $ 147.6 million , while The Man From Macau 3 earned $ 145.9 million .

  3. 在中国春节假期期间上映的另外两部电影是《西游记之三打白骨精》和《澳门风云3》。这两部影片在春节期间也表现不俗。

    The other two Chinese films that were released during China 's Lunar New Year 's Day holiday The Monkey King 2 and The Man From Macau 3 continue their strong run on the Chinese box office .

  4. 《西游记之孙悟空三打白骨精》尽管以一线明星郭富城为卖点,还有“大众情人冯绍峰”以及国际巨星巩俐的倾情加盟,但首映日仅获得1.7亿的票房,位居第三。

    The Monkey King 2 landed only at No. 3 , with 170 million yuan on opening , even though it features top actor Kwok in the title role , Chinese heart-throb William Feng Shaofeng and international star Gong Li .

  5. 佛教“白骨观”的修法和理念与《西游记》“三打白骨精”故事的生成,有很深的渊源。

    Here is a close connection between the Buddhist Practices of the Bones of the Dead and the story of " beating the Evil Spirit of the Bones of the Dead three times " in " Journey to the west " .