
  1. 张阳已经准备好迎接疲惫的军事训练了。

    Zhang is prepared for exhausting military exercises .

  2. 20岁的张阳(音译)是沈阳大学大二学生,每当看到彰显战士英勇之举和战友情深的战争片,他就会兴奋不已。

    Zhang Yang , 20 , a sophomore at Shenyang University , will be excited when he sees war films showing soldiers ' heroic actions and their comradeship .

  3. 张阳说:坦白讲,我们90后往往会以自我为中心,脾气也很臭。这是因为我们很多人都是备受家人溺爱的独生子女。

    To be honest , we people of the post 90s tend to be self-centered and hot-tempered because many of us are the spoiled only child in our families , said Zhang .