
  • 网络gregory;gregorian
  1. 玛丽:哦,有罗伯特?泰勒、弗兰克?西纳特拉、沃尔特?皮约翰和格利高里?派克。

    Mary : Well there was Robert Taylor , Frank Sinatra , Walter Pidgeon and Gregory Peck .

  2. 二十年前,他们开始录制一些有着1400年历史的罗马教皇格利高里的圣歌。

    Twenty years ago , they recorded some 1400-year-dld Gregorian chants .

  3. 这与《格利高里历》是一样的,但是早了将近300年。

    This is the Same as the Gregorian calendar , but almost three centuries earlier .

  4. 接收器安装在距阿雷西博碟盘500尺高的格利高里圆顶上。来自:康翠斯全美保险总监协会-阿雷西博天文台,美国国家科学基金会设施。

    The multi-beam in its place inside the Gregorian dome , 500 feet above the Arecibo dish . Credit : Courtesy of the NAIC-Arecibo Observatory , an NSF facility .

  5. 花腔唱法最早出现在格利高里圣咏中,在十七十八世纪时,由阉人歌手将其发展至鼎盛,从而使得花腔唱法成为美声唱法中一个不可或缺的重要组成部分。

    Coloratura riff first appeared in Gregorian chant and was developed to its peak by Castratos in the 17th and 18th century . Since then , Coloratura becomes an indispensable important component in bel canto .