
  • 网络Michael Graves;grave
  1. 《华尔街日报》:在成立你们自己的公司之前,您和您的妻子胡如珊都曾为美国建筑师迈克尔?格雷夫斯(MichaelGraves)工作过。

    WSJ : Both you and your wife , Rosanna Hu , worked for American architect Michael Graves before setting up on your own .

  2. 这个茶壶的全称叫迈克尔-格雷夫斯设计响声不锈钢茶壶,在JCPenney网上售价为35.08英镑,并可以派送到英国。

    The kettle - officially the Michael Graves Design Bells and Whistles Stainless Steel Tea Kettle - retails for £ 35.08 on the JCPenney website , and can be delivered to the UK .

  3. 目的分析影响激素冲击治疗活动性格雷夫斯病眼病(GO)疗效的因素。

    Objective To analyse the influential factors of steroid pulse therapy on Graves ' ophthalmopathy .

  4. 目的探讨格雷夫斯病(Graves′disease,GD)患者血清瘦素水平,分析瘦素与垂体-甲状腺轴的关系。

    Objective To investigate the changes of serum leptin levels in Graves disease and study the relationship between leptin and pituitary-thyroid axis .

  5. 目的:研究成年格雷夫斯病(Graves病,GD)患者的焦虑水平及相关危险因素。

    Objective : To investigate the prevalence , the risk factors of anxiety in adults with Graves ' disease .

  6. 结果60例MDS患者中,5例合并自身免疫性疾病,其中格雷夫斯病3例;

    Results 5 of 60 MDS patients had AID , of which 3 had Graves ' disease .

  7. 结果(1)格雷夫斯病母亲的新生儿出生体重为(32244±3302)g,明显低于健康母亲及慢性淋巴细胞性甲状腺炎母亲的新生儿;

    Results Neonatal birth weight of maternal hyperthyroidism was ( 3224.4 ± 330.2 ) g , significantly lower than that of newborns whose mothers were healthy or suffered from Hashimoto 's thyroiditis .

  8. 目的对来自缺碘病区、经治疗后症状、体征消失而使用维持量抗甲药物的格雷夫斯病(Graves'Disease,GD)患者,摄碘量增加后的临床特点进行分析。

    Objective To study the clinical manifestation of the Graves ' Disease ( GD ) patients with hyperthyroidism after increasing food iodine and treated with antithyroid drugs .

  9. 柏林藏家埃吉迪奥·马尔佐纳(EgidioMarzona)正在艺术装饰风格的格雷夫斯画廊(GravesGallery)展示35件超现实主义作品,包括马塞尔·迪尚(MarcelDuchamp)1952年创作的《手提的盒子》(BoxinaSuitcase)。

    Marcel Duchamp 's 1952 " La Boite-en-valise " ( Box in a Suitcase ) is among 35 Surrealist works being shown by the Berlin collector Egidio Marzona in the Art Deco Graves Gallery museum .

  10. 这些早期特创乐谱中最著名的便是为D.W.格雷夫斯1915年上映的影片《一个国家的诞生》所创作的音乐。

    The most famous of these early special scores was that composed and arranged for D.W Griffith 's film Birth of a Nation , which was released in 1915 .

  11. 泼尼松治疗格雷夫斯病合并甲状腺机能亢进性心房颤动

    Treatment of hyperthyroid atrial fibrillation associated with Graves disease by prednisone

  12. 超声指导经皮无水乙醇注射治疗药物难治性格雷夫斯病的研究

    Ultrasound-directed percutaneous ethanol injection for patients with intractable Graves ′ disease

  13. 格雷夫斯一直说最近的混乱是动物引起的

    Graves always insisted the disturbances were caused by a beast .

  14. 在格雷夫斯的故事里,德军赢了,比分是3比2。

    In Graves 's account , the Germans won , 3-2 .

  15. 格雷夫斯先生长官这是斯卡曼德先生

    Mr. Graves , sir , this is Mr. Scamander .

  16. 从格雷夫斯作品看后现代建筑设计手法

    Looking at the Design Ways of Post-Modern Architecture in Graves ' Works

  17. 杀死默然者是我的命令格雷夫斯先生是啊

    The Obscurial was killed on my orders , Mr. Graves . Yes .

  18. 格雷夫斯1915年上映的影片《一个国家的诞生》所创作的音乐。

    W.Griffith 's film Birth of a Nation , which was released in1915 .

  19. 论格雷夫斯的小说和诗歌创作

    On Robert Graves ' Historical Fiction and Poetry

  20. 可是我并不想格雷夫斯先生

    But I don 't think I want to , Mr. Graves . Jeez .

  21. 格雷夫斯是热衷于后现代主义的公众心目中的偶像。

    Graves is an idol of the public who are keen on the Post-Modernism .

  22. 应该是那个格雷夫斯拿走了

    I think that guy Graves took it .

  23. 甲状腺素在抗甲状腺药物治疗格雷夫斯病复发中的作用

    Effect of thyroxine upon prevention of recurrence of Graves ' disease treated with antithyroid drugs

  24. 目的研究格雷夫斯病甲状腺肿大与T细胞亚群的关系。

    Objective To study the relationship between goiter and T cell subsets in Grave ' sdisease .

  25. 我不是格林德沃的信徒格雷夫斯先生

    Yes . Quite . I 'm not one of Grindelwald 's fanatics , Mr. Graves .

  26. 通过分析格雷夫斯的作品,试图揭示后现代主义的一些设计手法。

    This paper tries to reveal some Post-Modern ways of design by analyzing the works of Graves .

  27. 抗甲状腺药物疗程与格雷夫斯病预后的关系

    Prospective study on the relationship between treatment duration of antithyroid drug and remission rate of Graves ′ disease

  28. 傲罗们收回格雷夫斯先生的魔杖并把他押解回来

    Aurors , I 'd like you to relieve Mr. Graves of his wand and escort him back to ...

  29. 皮肤科医生在为病人检查时发现,许多甲状腺疾病和自身免疫病(如格雷夫斯病或红斑狼疮)都伴随此类症状。

    Many thyroid problems and autoimmune diseases like Graves or lupus create complications that dermatologists notice while examining patients .

  30. 在塔吉特百货公司时,他与迈克尔•格雷夫斯合作,努力让公司把合理价格和出色设计结合起来。

    At target ( TGT ) he made the deal with Michael Graves that helped the company meld good prices with great design .