
  • 网络Grendel
  1. 你现在是在格伦德尔号上,这是一艘4级双体运输船。

    You 're aboard grendel , a class-four , catamaran transport ship .

  2. 在古英国史诗《贝奥武夫》中,格伦德尔是一只雄性怪兽,最终被贝奥武夫杀死。

    Grendel was a male monster , slain by Beowulf in the Old English epic Beowulf .

  3. 但Grindelwald的发音和Grendel很像,格伦德尔(Grendel)是古英语史诗《贝奥武夫》中的怪物反派,而邓布利多的中间名Wulfric暗指主人公贝奥武夫。

    But " Grindelwald " sounds like a reference to Grendel , the monster villain in the Old English epic poem " Beowulf . " It 's also parallel to Dumbledore 's middle name " Wulfric . "

  4. 这个怪物格伦德尔严峻的是所谓的。

    Grendel this monster grim was called .

  5. 贝奥伍尔弗杀死妖怪格伦德尔及妖怪的母亲,成为耶牙特的国王,死于与一条龙的争斗中。

    Beowulf slays the monster Grendel and its mother , becomes king of the Geats , and dies fighting a dragon .

  6. 不料,在贝奥武夫与格伦德尔母亲的战斗中,宝剑根本无法伤害到她。

    However , in Beowulf 's fight against Grendel 's mother , the sword was unable to harm the monster in any way .

  7. 作者姓名不详,也不知道是一人还是多人。中心故事是关于英雄贝奥武甫怎样打败湖怪格伦德尔及其母亲,后来自己又在杀一条龙时受伤而死。

    The central stories deal with the hero Beowulf 's fight with the lake-monster Grendel 's and Grendel 's mother , and his killing of a dragon and his death of wounds incurred then .