
  • 网络Gaia;gaea
  1. 盖娅神话与地球家园&原住民知识对地球生命的价值和意义

    " Gaia " Mythology and Home of the Earth & The Value and Significance of Aboriginal Knowledge on the Life of the Earth

  2. 就让盖娅推拉其方式,使她自由于你现在有的能源源头,那每一天都在伤害星球。

    Let Gaia push and pull its way to a freedom from the sources that you have now , which hurt the planet every day .

  3. 这条河发源于泰坦的北极地区,全长400千米,最后注入黎盖娅海。黎盖娅是碳氢化合物的海洋。

    In Titan 's north polar region , the river flows some 400 kilometers into Ligeia Mare , a giant sea of hydrocarbons .

  4. 在你能想到的所有领域,提婆界,动物界,植物界和矿物界,他们所有都与盖娅对齐,并锚定在盖娅。

    And the kingdoms , that you think of as kingdoms – the devas , the animals , the trees , the rocks – they are all pretty much aligned as well , and they have also anchored with Gaia .