
  • 网络gail;gale;gayle;Gehl;guile
  1. 卡兰小的时候和姐姐盖尔最亲。

    As a little girl , Karan was closest to her sister Gail

  2. 盖尔镇定地注视着哈里,沉默了片刻。

    Gail was silent for a moment , regarding Harry with his steady gaze .

  3. 该剧由迈克∙约翰逊导演,沙伦∙盖尔为助理导演。

    The play was directed by Mike Johnson , assisted by Sharon Gale .

  4. 盖尔语有非常深厚的诗歌传统。

    There 's a very rich poetic tradition in Gaelic .

  5. 我们在学校不允许讲盖尔语。

    We weren 't allowed to speak Gaelic at school .

  6. 盖尔20世纪70年代对佛教产生了兴趣。

    Gere became interested in Buddhism in the 1970s .

  7. 在这里可以听见各不相同的盖尔语。

    Gaelic can be heard here in manifold forms

  8. 对房屋结构调整的规划是在盖尔的帮助下完成的。

    The structural alterations made to the house were planned with Gail 's help .

  9. 盖尔语多年来一直濒于消亡,尽管如今孩子们还在学校学习这门语言。

    Gaelic has been a dying language for many years , though children are nowadays taught it in school

  10. 当盖尔霍恩发出她第一篇关于西班牙内战的报道时,她也许已经开辟了一片新的天地。

    Gellhorn may have broken new ground when she filed her first report on the Spanish Civil War .

  11. 要实现社会变革,支持某些事是比反对某些事更好的途径。——海琳盖尔

    Social change is better achieved by being for something than against something .

  12. 我活下去所需要的不是盖尔裹挟着愤怒和仇恨的火焰,我自己已经拥有了太多的火焰。

    That what I need to survive is not Gale 's fire , kindled1 with rage and hatred2 . I have plenty of fire myself .

  13. 很快地瞥了右边身穿浅褐色羊毛休闲外套的绅士一眼(b盖尔希伊)

    Copped a quick look at the gentleman in a caramel cashmere sport coat on the right ( bGail Sheehy )

  14. 盖尔.凯奇是华盛顿非党派的选民登记中心(VoterParticipationCenter)的首席营运官。

    Gail Kitch is chief operating officer with the non-partisan Voter Participation Center in Washington .

  15. 9盖尔雷布克,兰登书屋CEO

    Gail Rebuck CEO , Random House

  16. 美国外交协会(CouncilonForeignRelations)会员盖尔•莱蒙表示,文化常常被用作拒绝为女性提供投资的借口。

    Gayle Lemmon , who is a fellow at the Council on foreign relations , says culture is often used as an excuse for not investing in women .

  17. 美国农业部高级经济师弗雷德-盖尔(FredGale)表示:中国大米进口在很大程度上是一种政策驱动现象。

    Chinas rice imports are largely a policy-driven phenomenon , says Fred Gale , senior economist at USDA .

  18. 这个配对过程就是对盖尔-沙普利(gale-shapley)“延迟接受”(deferredacceptance)程序的一次运用。

    The results of the matching process are simply an exercise in the gale-shapley " deferred acceptance " procedure .

  19. Imax公司的首席执行官理查德·L·盖尔方德(RichardL.Gelfond)说,音乐会也在讨论之列。

    Music concerts also are on the table , said Richard L. Gelfond , chief executive of Imax .

  20. 美国农业部经济研究所(EconomicResearchService)的经济学家盖尔(FredGale)说,长期而言,中国需要放松自然资源基础承受的压力,并进口更多食物。

    China will need to ease pressure on its natural resource base and import more of its food over the long-term , ' said Fred Gale , an economist with the U.S. Department of Agriculture 's Economic Research Service . '

  21. 正如富兰克林•艾伦(FranklinAllen)和道格拉斯•盖尔(DouglasGale)在《比较金融体系》一书中指出,此过程要求银行家“压下分歧,接受妥协”。

    The process requires bankers " to submerge their disagreements and accept a compromise ", as Franklin Allen and Douglas Gale point out in their book ," Comparing Financial Systems " .

  22. 提供职业转型咨询服务的ShieldsMeneleyPartners的联合创始人盖尔・梅内利(GailMeneley)估计,目前在该公司进行咨询的失业公司高管中,大约70%的人都忽视了或者根本没有理会预示自己将被解雇的种种迹象。

    About 70 % of unemployed executives now counselled by Shields Meneley Partners overlooked or ignored cumulative clues about the falling ax , estimates Gail Meneley , co-founder of the career-transition firm .

  23. 不过名校会提供大量奖学金名额,西班牙企业商学院(IEBusinessSchool)教授盖尔•阿拉德(GayleAllard)表示,在线MBA学位扩大了获资助学生的可能性范围。

    Scholarships are widely offered by leading schools , however , and online delivery of MBAs is widening the potential catchment for sponsored students , says Gayle Allard , a professor at IE Business School in Spain .

  24. 尽管已在NASA“好奇号”探测车正在探测的盖尔陨石坑(GaleCrater)的那座山上发现了两处疑似条纹,前述禁令可能依然有效。那里距离“好奇号”的原定路线一两英里。

    That prohibition may continue even though two candidate streaks have been identified on the mountain in Gale Crater that NASA 's Curiosity rover is now exploring , a mile or two from its planned path .

  25. 核动力发射的“好奇号”将探索其登陆地点“盖尔陨石坑”(galecrater)的化学和地质情况,为科学家关于火星是否曾有原始生命的研究提供证据。

    The nuclear-powered curiosity will then explore the chemistry and geology of the gale crater , the landing site , providing evidence for scientists to assess whether or not primitive life has ever lived on Mars .

  26. 其他则是私有公司,像钢铁制造商盖尔道(Gerdau),或即将成为世界上最大的肉制品生产商JBS。

    Others are private firms , like Gerdau , a steelmaker , or JBS , soon to be the world 's biggest meat producer .

  27. 本文在盖尔圆-信息论(GAIC)方法的基础上,提出了一种基于盖尔圆半径修正的目标数目判断方法。

    A modified Gerschgorin Akaike information criterion ( MGAIC ) method for source number detection is proposed based on Gerschgorin disk theorem .

  28. 总部设在都柏林、致力于推广盖尔语的ForasnaGaeilge的市场行销总监BreandanMacCraith表示,语言不仅是只能在书本上出现的东西,这一点极为重要。

    Breandan Mac Craith , marketing director for Dublin-based Foras na Gaeilge , which promotes Gaelic , says , 'It 's extremely important that language isn 't something that 's only in books . '

  29. 将特征值和盖尔圆半径结合作为修正的特征值,并将修正后的特征值应用于GAIC方法。

    The method combines the eigenvalues with the Gerschgorin radii to get the modified eigenvalues which are then applied to the Gerschgorin AIC ( GAIC ) .

  30. 全国信贷咨询基金会(NationalFoundationforCreditCounseling)的发言人盖尔•坎宁安(GailCunningham)表示,关键在于“发现自己的专长或者找到自己兴趣点所在。”她表示,比如说,有电脑技能的人或许希望能够授课、安装电脑或者创建网站。

    The key , according to Gail Cunningham , a spokeswoman for the National Foundation for Credit Counseling , is to ' find your skill or what you think would be fun to do . ' She says , for example , someone with computer skills may want to teach a class , install computers or create Web sites 。