
  • 网络Clough
  1. 问:福格森和克劳夫,你从他们身上学到最重要的是什么?

    Q : ferguson and clough what was the best lesson you learnt from both of them ?

  2. 别以为你能骗过我,克劳夫。

    Don 't think you can outwit me , croft .

  3. 克劳夫霸气外露,我有幸在他盛年时效力森林队。之后不久森林就蝉联欧冠。

    I was fortunate to play for Clough when he was at the peak of his power , not long after Forest had twice won the European Cup .

  4. 奥尼尔的助手罗伯森是克劳夫的森林队蝉联欧冠时的关键球员,他给了杨很多指导。

    Robertson was the key player of the Nottingham Forest team Brian Clough took to two European Cups , a side that instinctively looked left (" just give it to Robbo ") .