
  • 网络claremont;Clairmont;Mary Jane Clairmont
  1. 他在加利福尼亚州的克莱尔蒙特男子学院主修金融专业。

    He majored in finance at Claremont Men 's College in California .

  2. 现居明尼苏达州克莱尔蒙特(Claremont)的莱克也曾参与梅奥诊所的那项研究。在莱克将打架斗殴的西尔维斯特与另外一只猫拉开以后,她试图将他抱起来,他却紧紧揪住了莱克的右手根部。

    After she broke up his fight with another cat , Ms. Lyke , who lives in Claremont , Minn. , and was also part of the Mayo study , tried to pick him up . He latched onto the bottom of her right hand .