
  • 网络civil service reform
  1. 卡特文官制度改革及其对我国公选制度的借鉴意义

    Carter 's Civil Service Reform and the Reference to China 's System of Public Election

  2. 1978年美国文官制度改革研究

    The Research on the United States Civil Service Reform of 1978

  3. 新公共管理理念下的英国文官制度改革

    British Civil Service System Reform under the New Public Management Idea

  4. 卡特总统与1978年美国文官制度改革

    President Carter and the Civil Service Reform of 1978 in the United States

  5. 为实现该目标,文官制度改革应切实实行。

    As a means to this end , civil-service reform should be in good faith enforced .

  6. 通过端正机关工作的动机,文官制度改革有可能使机关改进其工作方法。

    By sweetening its motives it is rendering it capable of improving its methods of work .

  7. 自1855年英国颁布文官制度改革的第一个枢密院令,近150年来,世界许多国家和地区先后实行了公务员制度,并形成了各自不同的公务员管理机制体系。

    In 1855 , Great Britain issued the first Privy Council law on civil servant system reform .

  8. 试论19世纪中期英国文官制度改革

    Try to Discuss the Reform of the English Civil Official Systemin the Middle of the 19th Century

  9. 阿瑟对国家的各个领域都进行了改革,尤其是文官制度改革和海军改革,对美国未来的发展产生了重大的影响。

    He reformed all aspects of the country , especially the civilian system reform and the navy reform .

  10. 诸如政治回应性、弹性管理、绩效管理、解除规制、重结果、放权和参与等价值理念已成为当代西方国家文官制度改革的基本取向。

    Now such as the politics responsiveness , flexibility management , performance management , deregulation , paying attention to the outcome , decentralization and participation have been the radical tropism that the West countries reform the civil service system .

  11. 其次,本文详细分析了英国文官制度改革的指导思想、基本原则和具体措施,并着重论述了新公共管理思想在英国文官制度改革中的体现与应用;

    Secondly , this text analyzed the guidelines , the basic principle and concrete measures of British civil service system reform in detail , and expounded the embodiment and application of new public management theory on the British civil service system reform .

  12. 如果说第三部分是对进步主义时代美国政府功能和结构转变的宏观分析,则接下来对文官制度改革、预算制度改革的研究则是对进步主义时代美国政府改革在组织和预算方面的中观分析。

    If we said that the third part is the macro-analysis of the function and structure of American government during progressivism age , the next study of the reform of civil services and budget system is the middle analysis of system and budget of American government during the progressivism age .

  13. 试论20世纪70年代美国文官制度的改革及其影响

    The Reform and Influence of America Civil Service in 1970s

  14. 英国文官制度及其改革

    Civil Service System Reform in Britain

  15. 英美文官制度的改革,改善了文官的素质,实现了文官管理法制化,进而提高了政府行政效率,保持了两国政局的稳定。

    The reform had improved civil official quality and realized the legalization of civil service management , improved the government efficiency and maintain the two country political situation stability further .

  16. 考察英国文官制度的改革,总结其经验教训,对于完善我国的公务员制度具有积极的借鉴作用。

    Investigating the reform of British civil service and summarizing its experience and lessons have positive refer - ence function to the civil service system , which perfects it in our country .

  17. 本文从公共行政范式变迁的角度来考察西方文官制度的改革,并探寻了以下问题:在传统官僚制行政范式下,文官制度的理论基础、理念抉择和制度安排;

    The article sees about the reform of the western civil systems from the angle of transitional public administration paradigm and it has ascertained these questions : the theory foundation , thoughts and institutions of the civil service system under the traditional bureaucracy administration paradigm ;

  18. 它是根据孙中山五权学说建立起来的,它所推行的制度是对中国古代科举制与西方近代文官制度的改革与发展,在中国现代政治制度史上曾发挥过一定的作用与影响。

    Advocated by Mr. Sun Yat-sen. The system is the reformation and development to the imperial examination system in ancient China and to the civil official system in contemporary western countries , and it has ever exerted certain effect in the history of modem China political system .

  19. 作为官僚体制支柱的文官制度,首当其冲成为改革的焦点。

    As the pillar of bureaucratic system , the civil service system would be the first to be focused in the renovation .