
  • 网络buckingham;Marcus Buckingham;Buckinghamshire;billingham
  1. 今年春天早些时候,我参加了我的岳母在英国白金汉大学(UniversityofBuckingham)的毕业典礼,她被授予了艺术史硕士学位。

    Earlier this spring I attended my mother-in-law 's graduation ceremony at the University of Buckingham , where she was being awarded an MA in history of art .

  2. 身为改革派的白金汉大学校长安东尼•塞尔顿爵士(SirAnthonySeldon)感到,有必要进行重大改变。

    Sir Anthony Seldon , the University of Buckingham 's reformist vice-chancellor , feels that significant change is necessary .

  3. 同样的,那些拿到平生第一个学位的二十多岁的年轻人的活力也让人感动,尤其是那些借助白金汉大学和萨拉热窝科技学院(SarajevoSchoolofScienceandTechnology)合作办学来学习的波斯尼亚人。

    Likewise , the energy of the twentysomethings picking up their first degrees was stirring , especially the Bosnians who had come over as part of a partnership between Buckingham and the Sarajevo School of Science and Technology .

  4. 这是一个星期天,罗斯柴尔德邀请我来白金汉郡eythrope用午餐。

    Rothschild has invited me to eythrope , Buckinghamshire , for Sunday lunch .

  5. 马库斯o白金汉表示:我们现在有机会将权力合理分配到团队领导者手中。白金汉与古道尔共同撰写了这篇发表在《哈佛商业评论》的文章,他的公司TMBC在为德勤提供咨询。

    We now have the opportunity to put power right into the hands of the team leader , says Marcus Buckingham , who wrote the HBR article with Goodall and whose company , TMBC , has been advising Deloitte .

  6. 我是白金汉公爵,我一直都被邀请的。

    I 'm the Duke of buckingham . I always am .

  7. “曼德维尔”则受到白金汉郡的斯托克曼德维尔的启发。

    Mandeville 's name is inspired by Stoke Mandeville in Buckinghamshire .

  8. (英国白金汉郡)维露卡麻烦你拼一下好吗

    Veruca . Can you spell that for us , please ?

  9. 白金汉勋爵是个深受喜爱和尊敬的人物。

    Lord Buckingham was a much loved and respected figure .

  10. 白金汉公爵都抗拒不了的女人。

    The woman that not even Buckingham could resist .

  11. 这些人的住处,是白金汉郡中间的几个旅馆,

    They had the pick of accommodation : the few hostelries of mid-Buckinghamshire .

  12. 白金汉大学的副校长特伦斯基利表示:学费是最美妙的东西。

    Fees are the most wonderful thing , says Terence Kealey , Buckinghams vice-chancellor .

  13. 警察正在白金汉公寓区大规模搜索一个失踪的女人。

    There 's a massive search underway for a woman missing in Buckingham flats .

  14. 他从来也没有见到公共马车在任何时候从白金汉公园路经过。

    He had never seen an omnibus at any time in the Buchingham Park Road .

  15. 离婚后她移居白金汉郡,开始过新的生活。

    After the divorce she moved to Buckingham to make a new life for herself .

  16. 突然,“啪”的一声响,困住白金汉姆的绳子被水流冲断了,他也被水冲到下游。

    Suddenly there was a loud snap as the rope trapping Buckingham broke and he was swept downstream .

  17. 白金汉认为在非饱和水流体系和其他水流系之间的势有相似性。直流测量用饱和电抗器

    Buckingham recognized the analogy between potentials in unsaturated-flow systems and in other flow systems . direct-current measuring transductor

  18. 伊顿,位于伦敦附近的白金汉郡,泰晤士河边的一个市镇,伊顿公学的所在地。

    Eton , on Buckinghamshire nearby London , a town beside Thames , the seat of Eaton College .

  19. 上个月,卡梅伦在周日家庭聚餐后将8岁的女儿南希落在了白金汉郡的一家酒馆。

    Last month the prime minister left his eight-year-old daughter Nancy in a Buckinghamshire pub after a Sunday family meal .

  20. 原先每年招收750名左右本科生的白金汉大学,现在申请人数是原来的两倍多。

    At the University of Buckingham , which takes around 750 undergraduates a year , applications have more than doubled .

  21. 布莱切利是一座小城,坐落于白金汉郡,在平凡而阴郁街道两边,排列着砖彻的维多利亚建筑。

    Bletchley itself was a small town of ordinary dullness , a brick-built Urban District in the brickfields of Buckinghamshire .

  22. 但白金汉相信,在团队领导者驱动的公司内,人力资源部的管理者会变得比以往更有价值。

    But Buckingham believes that with team-leader-driven companies , HR officials will have the chance to be more valuable than ever .

  23. 萨里郡、白金汉郡、汉普郡及贝克郡现已跻身于全球35个最昂贵地区之列。

    Surrey , Buckinghamshire , Hampshire and Berkshire are now among the top 35 most expensive property areas in the world .

  24. 她将于下周在英国白金汉郡举行的皇家学会会议上详细阐释她的新职责。

    She will set out the details of her proposed new role at a Royal Society conference in Buckinghamshire next week .

  25. 过去学生们常常认为私立学校超出自己的经济许可范围(白金汉大学每年收取学生11250英镑)。

    Many students used to think private universities were beyond their financial reach ( Buckingham charges EU students 11,250 a year ) .

  26. 白金汉大学副校长于日前预测称,未来启迪人心的教师一职,将由智能机器而非人类来担任。

    Inspirational teachers of the future will be intelligent machines rather than humans , the vice-chancellor of the University of Buckingham predicts .

  27. 在阿斯特子爵夫人的白金汉郡奢侈庄园克莱夫登举行的派对期间,她曾与好莱坞名宿道格拉斯•费尔班克斯一起消失在一间卧房。

    During a party at Lady Astor 's stately home Cliveden in Buckinghamshire she disappeared into a bedroom with Hollywood legend Douglas Fairbanks Jr.

  28. 火车忙碌地把17000名伦敦孩子疏散到白金汉郡,布莱切利的人口顿时上涨了25%。

    The trains were busy with the evacuation of 17000 London children into Buckinghamshire , swelling Bletchley 's population by twenty-five per cent .

  29. 白金汉宫是在18世纪为白金汉公爵而建造的。但是,1775年乔治三世购买了该宫后它便变成了皇家住宅。

    Buckingham house was built for the Duke of Buckingham in the18th century . however , it became a royal residence in1775 when George III bought it .

  30. 正如观众所期待的,奥兰多布鲁姆将扮演白金汉公爵这一角色,而詹姆斯将化身为公爵的大管家。

    As expected , Orly will play the villain , Duke of Buckingham , while James will play his servant , Planchet , in the classic tale .