
  • 网络Resale price maintenance;resale pricing maintenance;RPM
  1. 因此作为一种典型的纵向限制竞争协议,转售价格维持就成为了制造商控制其分销体系的有效手段。

    RPM has been recognized as an efficient tool to control distributorship for manufacturers .

  2. 专利联营的纵向垄断协议表现形式主要有转售价格维持和排他性许可。

    Vertical agreement of patent pool includes resale price maintenance and exclusive license .

  3. 在1911年的DrMiles案中法院认为最低转售价格维持限制了产品所有权的转移,因而是违法的。

    In the still leading case of Dr Miles ( 1911 ) the supreme court held that Minimum Resale Price imposed a general restraint upon alienation , which was invalid .

  4. 第二部分是对我国转售价格维持反垄断的现实分析。

    The second part of the resale price maintenance is the reality of antitrust analysis .

  5. 转售价格维持协定。

    Resale price maintenance agreements .

  6. 该部分还对转售价格维持的认定、分类以及反垄断法对其进行规制的理论依据展开论述。

    This section also include resale price maintenance identification , classification , and its anti-monopoly regulation theoretical basis .

  7. 对各国转售价格维持立法介绍的目的是希望对我国有所借鉴。

    The introduction of Resale Price Maintenance in other countries aims at enlightening relevant enactment in our county .

  8. 第三部分是对美国和欧盟转售价格维持反垄断法规制的比较分析。

    The third part is the United States and the European Union resale price maintenance comparative analysis of antitrust regulations .

  9. 制造商同样也被允许有权终止与违反其转售价格维持政策的零售商的交易。

    A manufacturer also is permitted to stop dealing with a retailer who breaches the manufacturer 's resale price maintenance policy .

  10. 本文以经济分析为主线,首先对转售价格维持的概念加以界定。

    Firstly , as a result , this paper has made the concept and elements of resale price maintenance to be defined .

  11. 本文分析在有新产品最低转售价格维持时制造商和零售商的最优策略。

    This paper analyzes the optimal strategies of a manufacturer and a retailer with a new product 's minimum resale price maintenance .

  12. 正因为这种复杂性以及人们认识水平的限制,世界各国对转售价格维持的适用原则处于不断变化中。

    Just because of the complexity in itself and our understanding limitation , the principles applied to Resale Price Maintenance are ever-changing .

  13. 欧盟对转售价格维持在《罗马条约》中作了一般禁止性规定并通过责任豁免制度排除了有利于竞争的转售价格维持的违法性。

    The EU generally prohibits Resale Price Maintenance in 《 Roman Treaty 》 and immunes the Resale Price Maintenance that are favorable to competition .

  14. 然后从经济学的角度出发分析转售价格维持产生的原因和其对整体经济效率所产生的双重影响,并以此为前提探讨反垄断法必须对其采取规制的内在原因。

    Secondly , analyses of the causes of the resale price maintenance and its overall impact of economic efficiency , on the economic point of view .

  15. 接着再从比较法的角度分析处于不同的经济背景和市场环境下,立法和司法判例对转售价格维持所采取的不同态度和规制方式。

    Thirdly , give a brief of legislation and judicial practice taking some different approaches to regulate the Resale price maintenance , in different economic background .

  16. 转售价格维持作为一种近些年在我国比较普遍的营销模式,自其诞生伊始就具有限制竞争环境和促进经济效率的双重作用。

    Resale price maintenance as a general marketing model in China recently , which has restrictions on the market competitive environment and promoting economic efficiency two revising effects .

  17. 纵向限制措施是企业在市场实践,尤其是企业的渠道建设中广泛采取的对下游企业的各种限制性做法的总称,包括转售价格维持,区域市场圈定等。

    Vertical restraints are general practice in the marketing , especially in construction of channel which contain resale price maintenance , exclusive territories , exclusive dealing and tying .

  18. 转售价格维持是一种典型的纵向限制竞争行为,就本质而言,其通过以合谋或者强迫的手段限制了他人转售商品价格的自由。

    Resale price maintenance is a typical vertical restraints competition , in essence , to its collusion or coercion by means of limiting the freedom of others resale commodity prices .

  19. 虽然转售价格维持的存在对市场竞争有一定的积极性,但更容易损害消费者的利益,严重破坏一国公正合理的市场经济秩序。

    Although the existence of resale price maintenance on market competition has a positive , but more likely to damage the interests of consumers , a country fair and reasonable market economy .

  20. 在美国有些学者提议转售价格维持也应适用合理原则,然而权威机构的普遍意见仍主张对纵向限制竞争协议应适用本身违法原则。

    In the United States , some scholars proposed resale price maintenance should also apply Rule of reason , however , the prevailing view is still advocated authority vertical agreements restricting competition Per se rule should apply .

  21. 本身违法适用于价格固定、市场划分、联合抵制、搭售安排及转售价格维持等案件,合理法则适用于纵向非价格限制、联营、企业合并等案件。

    Per se illegal covers horizontal price fixing , horizontal market division , boycott , tying arrangement and resell price maintaining etc , and rule of reason mainly covers vertical non-price restrict , joint venture and merger .

  22. 第二章是对转售价格维持的基本理论作介绍。主要阐述转售价格维持的概念、成因与分类,以及转售价格维持会受到《反垄断法》规制的原因。

    The second chapter to restrict the resale price of basic theory , this chapter limit concept , origin and classification of resale price , as well as the necessity for anti-monopoly regulation resale price maintenance behavior .

  23. 之后在无最低转售价格维持和有最低转售价格维持情况下,对制造商和零售商的最优策略分别进行了分析和比较,特别讨论了最低转售价格对制造商的影响。

    Then , it analyzes and compares the optimal strategies of the manufacturer and the retailer with and without the minimum resale price . Especially , the impact of the minimum resale price maintenance on the manufacturer is discussed .

  24. 该部分以我国转售价格维持的反垄断现状为基础,通过对锐邦诉强生案和茅台、五粮液案的分析研究,梳理出我国转售价格维持反垄断法规制存在的问题。

    This part of the status quo in order to resale price maintenance for the foundation , through the analysis of the state of sharp v. Johnson case and Maotai , Wuliangye case , came out of the resale price maintenance problems of anti-monopoly regulations .

  25. 转售价格维持,作为纵向垄断的一种形式,越来越多的出现在我国的经济发展过程中,其不但限制了市场竞争,损害了消费者的利益,同时也是我国经济发展大环境的阻碍。

    Resale price maintenance , as a form of vertical monopoly , more and more appear in the process of economic development in our country , it restricts competition in the market , not only harm the interests of consumers , but also the economic development of our country environment .

  26. 第四章为欧美国家对转售价格维持行为的规制介绍,分别以欧盟和美国的相关立法为例,分析其规制的优势,介绍可以为我国立法使用的相关规定。

    The fourth chapter for the European and American countries for resale price maintenance behavior regulation , respectively , in the European Union and the United States legislation , for example , to analyze its advantage of rules and regulations , introduced can be used for our country legislation rules .