
  • 网络Transfer function;conversion function;transformation function;transform function
  1. 这就是为什么你能够重载操作符,编写类型转换函数(M5条款)控制分配和复制构造,以及其他。

    That 's why you can overload operators , write type conversion functions ( see Item M5 ), take control of assignment and copy construction , etc.

  2. 它能够满足报价服务、转换函数和策略、支付方法和用户识别等功能性需求。

    It addresses functional requirements such as quote services , conversion functions and policies , payment methods , and user identification concerns .

  3. 转换函数B的长期变化和季节变化不明显;

    The seasonal and secular changes in transfer functions B are not evident .

  4. 代码O&允许你传入C语言的转换函数来自定义转换。

    The O & code lets you pass in C converter functions for custom conversions .

  5. CREATETRANSFORM允许将现有的函数用作转换函数。

    The CREATE TRANSFORM statement enables an existing function to be used as a transform function .

  6. 关于Vague集向Fuzzy集的转换函数的注记

    Notes on translation function from Vague sets to Fuzzy sets

  7. 基于多层感知机和RBF转换函数的混合神经网络

    Hybrid Neural Network Based on Transfer Functions of Multilayer Perception and Radial Basis Function

  8. 还有一个需求就是能够很容易地使用用来调用转换函数的API。

    A very easy to use API for calling the conversion function was also one of the requirements .

  9. 由转换函数A,B求出的帕金森矢量的方向明显地受海洋的影响,反映了海洋效应;

    ( 2 ) The direction of Parkinson vector at Guangzhou geomagnetic observatory is clearly affected by the ocean , and is associated with coastal effect .

  10. 本文提出了同时对权值w和转换函数系数进行调整的改进BP算法。

    Therefore , an improved BP algorithm is proposed , which adjust connection weights and transfer function at the same time .

  11. 水平磁场台际转换函数Cu的大小&有限差分法模型计算研究

    On the magnitude of the interstation transfer functions C_u of the horizontal magnetism field & A study on the numerical modeling of finite difference

  12. 本文分析了Vague集的性质,给出了将Vague集变换为Fuzzy集的转换函数,并讨论了其性质。

    We firstly analyze the definition of Vague sets and give the introduction of the translation function from Vague sets to Fuzzy sets .

  13. 在“wells”表中插入突出显示的记录时,插入触发器调用点构造函数和转换函数。

    Upon insertion of the highlighted record in table " wells ", the insert trigger calls the point constructor and the transform function .

  14. 首先,我们将使用CREATEFUNCTION(SQLScalar、Table或Row)语句,创建一个名为ADDRESSTRANSFORM的标量转换函数。

    First , we will create a scalar transform function named ADDRESS_TRANSFORM , using the CREATE FUNCTION ( SQL Scalar , Table , or Row ) statement .

  15. 用几个不同的三维(3D)模型计算了感应矢量和转换函数,特别对它们的虚部进行了分析。

    Three dimensional ( 3D ) models are used to calculate the induction vectors and transfer functions for investigating the properties of these quantities and particularly the property of their imaginary components .

  16. 在本文开头我使用C语言重新编写了主转换函数,现在将使用C语言重新编写主循环。

    Earlier in the article I rewrote the main conversion function in C , and now I am going to rewrite the main loop in C.The new code is fairly straightforward ( enter as convert_driver_c . c )

  17. 由于解剖照片中的每个体素颜色值已经确定,因而主要研究如何从每个体素的R、G、B三原色组映射成特定阻光度值,即阻光度转换函数。

    Since the color value for each voxel can be predetermined in the anatomical photographic database , we focused on the designing of mapping from an RGB tuple to an opacity value usually called opacity transfer function .

  18. 首先用PCA提取人脸主分量,计算测试样本与各类的欧氏距离,并通过构造的转换函数获得子决策;

    Firstly , extracting face principal components by PCA , and computing the Euclid distances between testing sample and classes , then getting sub-decisions by a transform function .

  19. 文中阐述了直流电测深曲线反演拟合的基本原理,对拟合电阻率转换函数T(λ)和视电阻率函数ρs(r)分别进行了探讨。

    The basic principle of inverse fitting of direct current sounding curve is expounded , and the transfer fnuction T (λ) of fitting resistivity and apparent resistivity function ρ _s ( r ) are approached respectively in this paper .

  20. 对一维DNA元胞自动机,T型DNA元胞自动机以及RT-DNA元胞自动机进行了理论定义,并在离散时间上定义了转换函数。

    And one-dimensional DNA cellular automata , T-shaped DNA cellular automata and RT-DNA cellular automata are defined in theory and the transfer functions are defined on discrete time .

  21. 通过重新选取神经元的激活函数,对输出层和隐层中神经元转换函数的权值、缩放系数和位移参数进行调整,减少隐层节点数,加快BP网络的收敛速度。

    This algorithm reduces number of hidden nodes and enhances the BP network convergence speed by re-selecting activation function and adjusting weight value of neurons transformation function , scaling coefficient and displacement parameter in output layer and hidden layer .

  22. 当AIX编码集转换函数收到包含非AIX编码集名称的请求时,别名映射函数尝试为请求映射适当的AIX编码集名称。

    When the AIX code-set conversion function gets a request with non-AIX code set names , the alias mapping function attempts to map suitable AIX code set names for the request .

  23. 可以将转换函数表示为两维矩阵dtran,它会返回给定XML节点的下一个状态。

    You can represent the transition function as a two dimensional matrix , dtran , that returns the next state given an XML node .

  24. 使用syntax-case系统,实际上是在定义一个转换函数,这就是lambda发挥作用的地方。

    With syntax-case , you actually are defining a transforming function , which is where the lambda comes in .

  25. 为了更有效地优化前向神经网络的求解能力,提出了一种新的综合的转换函数,将多层感知机和RBF神经网络更有机地结合起来,以产生灵活的决策边界。

    In order to effectively optimizing the solution of feed-forward neural network , a new general transfer function is proposed that effectively unifies the inputs of multilayer perception and radial basis function to provide flexible decision border .

  26. xml2jsontest.php&执行xml2json转换函数的测试驱动程序

    Xml2json_test.php-A test driver to exercise the xml2json conversion function

  27. PCA、DCA和CCA分析显示,可以利用英国威尔士地区34个湖泊表层沉积物的现代硅藻组合和pH数据,建立硅藻-pH转换函数。

    In terms of principle components analysis , detrended correspondence analysis and canonical correspondence analysis , a diatom-pH transfer function could be reconstructed by using the modern diatom data and pH from 34 lakes in Wales .

  28. 换句话说,要构建DFA,需要分配的状态数量与可能的堆栈配置数量相同,并且需要计算所有这些状态间的转换函数。

    In other words , to build the DFA , you need to allocate as many states as there are possible stack configurations and compute the transition function between all these states .

  29. 文章分析了影响中长期水文预报BP网络模型精度的因素,其中输入层节点数、节点转换函数及网络训练方式的选择对模型精度的影响很大。

    The paper analyses the factors influencing BP network model precision of medium and long term hydrological forecast , among them , the node point number of input layer , the node point transfer function and the choice of the network training mode influences greatly the model precision .

  30. 类似地,DefaultHooks中的所有转换函数可以依据每个实例基础进行重写。

    Similarly , all transformers in DefaultHooks can be overridden on a per-instance basis .