
  • 网络Description Item;explanans
  1. 有关题名与责任说明项之编目规则差异的思考

    The differences of cataloging rules in title and statement of responsibility area

  2. 他们根本没说明这项工作该怎样做。

    They gave no indication of how the work should be done .

  3. 他们根本没说明这项工作该怎样做。

    They gave no indication as to how the work should be done .

  4. 虽然3DCT的实用价值在最近曾经被报道过,但这些报导仅仅能说明这项技术可以获得比平片更详细的信息而已。

    Although the usefulness of3D CT has recently been reported , these reports have only demonstrated that this technique allows more detailed evaluation than plain radiography .

  5. 布罗德研究所称,杜德纳博士和卡彭蒂耶博士2012年的那篇论文,并没有说明这项技术在包括人类细胞在内的有核细胞中如何改变DNA,而张锋的工作则阐明了这一点。

    The Broad Institute claims that the paper by Dr. Doudna and Dr. Charpentier in 2012 did not demonstrate how to alter DNA in cells with nuclei , including human cells , something requiring the inventive steps that Dr. Zhang took .

  6. 此商家的细节、日期及订单ID号处于此数组的预期位置,但小计及后续行的数组索引则依赖于所详细说明的项的数量。

    The vendor detail , date , and order ID number are in expected places in the array , but the array indexes of the subtotal and subsequent lines depend on the number of items detailed .

  7. 在介绍VPN技术的基础上,给出了它在广播电台中的应用,从而也说明这项技术在很多应用领域有着巨大的潜力和市场前景。

    In this paper the VPN technology and it 's application in broadcasting station has been expounded which also explain that the VPN technology is powerful in many application fields and has great potential marketing prospect .

  8. Spotify有望在美国推出、苹果(Apple)准备发布流媒体版iTunes,以及Netflix把重点迅速转向流媒体、而非DVD租赁,无不说明此项技术正在发展。

    With the likely launch of Spotify in the US , Apple readying to launch a streamed version of iTunes , and Netflix moving rapidly towards streaming rather than DVD rental , this technology is advancing .

  9. 说明该项技术合理、安全可靠。同时阐述了该项三废处理及环保技术的综合利用价值,给企业带来一定的经济效益和环境效益。

    The method can bring economic and environmental benefit to the enterprises .

  10. 请说明这项工作需要什么。

    Please specify what the job will entail .

  11. 一会儿我会,说明这项技术的重要性。

    And I 'll show you why that 's important in a couple of seconds .

  12. 订户流动率-此术语用于说明一项服务或产品的订户流动速度。

    Churn - The term used to describe turnover rate of subscribers to a service or product .

  13. 凡出现全票上限情形,说明一项投资可能会失败。

    A great predictor of failure for an investment was when the max out scenario took place .

  14. 通过经济效益分析和社会效益分析,说明这项技术具有广阔的应用前景。

    The results of analyzing economic and social benefits showed that this technology have the great applied foreground .

  15. 在例会说明这项计划,并徵求社员担任本身所属职业的顾问。

    Explain the plan at a club meeting and enlist club members to serve as consultants on their occupations .

  16. 我愿意利用这个机会,向你们说明那项法律对每一个美国人的意义。

    I want to take this occasion to talk to you about what that law means to every American .

  17. 通过喷浆桩的试验及施工,说明该项技术应用于粗砂、砾砂地层中是可行的。

    It is proved that the technique is feasible in the coarse and gravel sands by testing and construction the gunite pile technique .

  18. 若要按名称或说明搜索项,请指定希望匹配的全部或部分文本。

    To search for an item by name or description , specify all or part of the text that you want to match .

  19. 并对改造前后进行对比分析,说明该项技术改造的价值;

    And contrast analyzes the device before and after the technique reforms , for explaining the value of the item 's technique reforms .

  20. 结合实际应用进行效益分析,说明这项技术对于节约电能、节省电力投资能够起到非常积极的作用。

    Combined with the practice , beneficial analysis is carried on to show that the technology acts positively on saving electric energy and investment .

  21. 说明此项检查不仅可以作为术前判断肛门功能障碍的重要依据,也可作为评价术后排便功能改善及其程度的客观指标。

    Therefore , this examination can be used in preoperative functional assessment and also in postoperative evaluation of the improvement of the anal control .

  22. 他没有准确地说明那项改革的各个阶段。不过问题还是圆满地解决了。这说明计算很准确。

    He does not accurately represent the stages of that transformation . Nevertheless the problem was solved successfully , which showed that the computations were accurate .

  23. 在过去的20年里,生物医学研究项目的投资已超过一万亿美元,有些实验中的动物寿命增长了10倍,说明这项研究有所成效。

    In the past 20 years , over one trillion dollars have been invested into biomedical research with successes shown by the tenfold in laboratory animals .

  24. 请简要说明一两项你曾经在大学或是高中参加的、对你而言意义匪浅的课外活动。

    Please use the space below to discuss briefly the one or two extracurricular activities that have meant the most to you during college or high school .

  25. 当被要求详细说明此项捐赠的细节时,比尼西奥只是简单的答道:“这是合作的一部分。”

    When asked to elaborate on the details of the donation , Mr Vinicio limited himself to saying : " it is part of the co-operation . "

  26. 11.各实体应在本条所指的通知中或刊载通知的出版物上明确说明该项采购为本协定所涵盖。

    11 . Entities shall make clear , in the notices referred to in this Article or in the publication in which the notices appear , that the procurement is covered by the Agreement .

  27. 应用动态流动单元依附静态流动单元的原则识别产出相态和产能大小,同时通过实例说明该项技术的监测效果。

    The principle of dynamic flow unit clinging to static flow unit is used to recognize produced phase state and productivity size , an example is given to demonstrate the monitoring effect of the technique .

  28. 本文将对这一制度进行探讨、论述,以说明该项制度在实践中的合理性、可操作性及其所带来的社会效果和价值,致力于该项制度在我国确立的必要性及可行性。

    This essay explores and discusses the rationality and operation feasibility of prosecution reprieve in practice and its social effects and values accordingly , striving for the necessity and feasibility for the system establishment in our country .

  29. 为检验某项功能,先给定输入测试图案,当被测系统的输出响应图案与输出预期响应图案一致时,说明此项功能检验正确。

    In order to exam one function , an input pattern is given , when the output response pattern is in the same way as the output expectable response pattern , we say that it is correct .

  30. 比较了辐射杀菌与其它杀菌方法的优势,试验在15~25℃常温条件下保存12个月的三种调味品,结果说明该项技术是可行的。

    It also indicates the radiation advantage over other methods , therefore , it 's also proved that the technique is feasible with a experiment preserved 3 kinds condiments under 15 ~ 25 ℃ for 12 months .