
shuō zǒu jiù zǒu
  • take leave without delay;announce the intention to leave and really mean it
说走就走[shuō zǒu jiù zǒu]
  1. 你是首领,你说走就走。

    You 're the boss , you can 't just go .

  2. 说走就走,这儿不要了?

    What , just pick up and leave all this ?

  3. 我是骑士,我说走就走。

    I 'm the rider and I say we go .

  4. 不能说走就走。

    You can 't just up and go . Right .

  5. 这需要钱和计划,我不能说走就走。

    It takes money , planning-I can 't just up and go .

  6. 我不能说走就走啊

    I can 't just pick up and leave .

  7. 京晶:你希望你也来一趟说走就走的旅行吗?

    Do you wish you 'd taken a trip ?

  8. 所以你们就来了一场说走就走的野营

    So you went on an impromptu camping trip . I don 't know .

  9. 你一向都想来就来,说走就走。

    You come and go as you please . Always have and always will .

  10. 如果你在找一个不瞻前顾后、愿意说走就走的人结伴旅行,贾森就是你要找的人。

    If you 're looking for a dreamy , let 's-go-for-it travel companion , Jason is your man .

  11. 你的密友或者另一半可能会提议来一场说走就走的旅行,你可能会决定加入。

    A close friend or love partner could propose an impromptu trip , and you might just decide to go .

  12. 高考结束,毕业生们纷纷开始来一场说走就走的毕业旅行。

    As the national college entrance exam is finally over , many high school graduates set out for graduation trips without hesitation .

  13. “说走就走”这个旅行项目会给你一个惊喜的美国国内行程,它会基于你填的调查表为你做行程计划。

    Pack Up + Go builds surprise itineraries spanning the U.S. and plans your trip based on a survey you fill out .

  14. 经过1年的工作,这是不是一个你能说走就走的地方?

    After 1 year of working , is this a place where you can walk away if you had to and say ?

  15. 生命是如此的短,说走就走了,网上有一个叫做死亡之钟的黑色幽默网站可以确切地告诉你生命到底有多短。

    Life 's too short , the saying goes , and a black humor Internet site called Death Clock lets you know exactly how brief it is .

  16. 旅行前一周,“说走就走”会发给你一个邮包,包含一份天气预报、打包建议和交通指南。

    In the week running up to the trip , Pack Up + Go sends a parcel containing a weather forecast , packing suggestions , and transport instructions .

  17. 网站上说明了“说走就走”只能把客户送到“美国中等城市”,离家不超过4小时的路程。

    According to their website , Pack + Go only send clients to ' mid-sized American cities ' , which are no more than four hours away from home .