
shuō huǎng
  • tell a lie;lie;falsehood
说谎 [shuō huǎng]
  • [tell a lie;lie] 故意说假话

说谎[shuō huǎng]
  1. "你昨天不愿意说谎吗,孩子?"

    " You wouldn 't tell a lie yesterday , my boy ? "

  2. 他补充说,杰森赔钱是因为他不说谎。

    He added that Jason lost money because he would not tell a lie .

  3. 她知道这孩子又在说谎了。

    She knew the child had been telling stories again .

  4. 我觉得他总不至于说谎吧。

    I didn 't think he 'd stoop to cheating .

  5. 一想到他竟然对我说谎,我就很伤心。

    It hurt me to think that he would lie to me .

  6. 她在适当时机还是会说谎的。

    She 's not above lying when it suits her .

  7. 她对暗示她在说谎的言论嗤之以鼻。

    She bridled at the suggestion that she was lying .

  8. 她十分清楚地知道,他在说谎。

    She knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that he was lying .

  9. 她凭直觉知道他在说谎。

    Intuitively , she knew that he was lying .

  10. 他对她说她在说谎,她便愤然而去。

    He told her she was a liar , whereupon she walked out .

  11. 爸爸,我不能对你说谎。

    Father , I cannot lie to you .

  12. 他在说谎,还是没有说谎?

    He was lying ─ or was he ?

  13. 他不见得是真的说谎,但他的确是有意夸大。

    It isn 't that he lied exactly , but he did tend to exaggerate .

  14. 你确信他在说谎吗?我不相信他会干这种事。

    Are you sure he was lying ? I can 't believe that of him .

  15. 她指责他说谎。

    She accused him of lying .

  16. 你连说谎都不会!

    You 're a bad liar !

  17. 她是个巧言令色的说谎高手。

    She was a plausible liar .

  18. 为了自保,他竟然说谎,把事故的责任推到朋友身上。

    To save his own skin , he lied and blamed the accident on his friend .

  19. 说谎是不道德的。

    It is sinful to lie .

  20. 这令我陷入了不得不说谎的尴尬境地。

    It put me in the unenviable position of having to lie .

  21. 他生性爱说谎,而且通常债务缠身。

    He was a congenital liar and usually in debt .

  22. 当我指责他说谎时,他大笑起来。

    He laughs loudly when I accuse him of fibbing .

  23. 说谎鬼,他们就是那样的人。

    Lying ratbags , that 's what they are .

  24. 他说统计学家“用数据说谎”,败坏了他们的名声。

    He said statisticians gave them a bad rap by ' lying with figures ' .

  25. 我知道他在说谎。

    I know he 's lying

  26. 他对她总是坦诚相待,她也一直觉得如果他说谎,自己一定能察觉。

    He had always been open with her and she always felt she would know if he lied

  27. 说谎时我觉得很不安。

    I feel uncomfortable lying .

  28. 他暗指那个男孩在对她说谎。

    He insinuated that the boy was lying to her .

  29. 他被迫对她说谎。

    He was bullied into telling lies to her .

  30. 她因说谎而感到内疚。

    She was ashamed that she had lied .