
  • 网络speak the truth;say what you mean;Speak your truth
  1. 说真心话,无论如何我是真的不想去。

    To be perfectly honest , I didn 't want to go anyway .

  2. 不过大多数人都不敢说真心话。

    But most of them were afraid to speak their minds .

  3. 你说真心话,还是豆着我玩的?

    Are you serious or just trying to make me feel better ?

  4. 你不是说真心话,你只是在骗我。

    You don 't mean that . you 're just pulling my leg .

  5. 我试着和你说真心话。

    I 'm trying to level with you .

  6. 简向汤姆出真心话,心里觉得好受多了。不过大多数人都不敢说真心话。

    Jane levelled with Tom and felt for it . But most of them were afraid to speak their minds .

  7. 请你别把我当作一个故意作弄你的高贵女子,而要把我看作一个说真心话的平凡人。

    Do not consider me now as an elegant female intending to plague you , but as a rational creature speaking the truth from her heart .

  8. 我们也被限定了说真心话的时间和说的方式(在社交场合和你的妻子争论是不合时宜的”)。

    We also have rules about when and how feelings can be expressed ( " That was the wrong time and place for arguing with your wife . " )

  9. 你已经说了真心话。

    Oh , and you already used your truth .

  10. 虽然她犯了政策性错误,但至少说了真心话,这在近年的奥斯卡颁奖感言中很少见了。

    While this may have been politically incorrect , at least she said what was on her mind , which is something that has been absent from Oscar speeches of recent memory .

  11. 独处之时,你说的是否真心话?

    Do you mean what you say when there 's no one around ?

  12. 他说的不是真心话。

    He said it with tongue in check .

  13. 不,我说的是真心话。每次你来这里,都带来不少欢乐。

    No.I 'm not . You 're always fun when you 're in here .

  14. 昨晚我说的是真心话。

    I meant what I said last night .

  15. 你说的是真心话吗,汤姆?

    Are you really sorry , tom ?

  16. 我一直都说的是真心话。

    I always speak my mind . I always say what 's on my mind .

  17. 他们可能相信他说的是真心话,但不相信他有执行能力。

    They may believe he means what he says . But they do not trust his ability to deliver .

  18. 说的也是真心话,因为我一直都想着照顾好儿子和先生是我最重要的事情。

    That 's true because I have thought that it is the most important for me to take care of my son and my husband .

  19. 好了,我不是在恭维你,我说的是真心话,显然他已经死心塌地地爱上了你。

    Jim : Well , it 's not a compliment , I 'm saying it from the bottom of my heart ! It 's obvious that he 's head over heels in love with you .

  20. 对彼此说了许多真心的话。

    Smack that , give me some more .

  21. 尽管她头脑一热也许会讲脏话或是语出惊人,但许多时候她说得都不是真心话。

    Though in this state of mind , she may utter some embarrassing or shocking things , many times she does not mean what she says .

  22. 她的话音一落,不再强迫我注意她和相信她时,我就感到她刚才说的根本不是真心话。

    The instant her voice broke off , ceasing to compel my attention , my belief , I felt the basic insincerity of what she had said .

  23. 大娘略有沉思地说:“小姑娘,你说得真心话吗?”

    Meditation slightly aunt said : " girl , you are right it the truth ?"

  24. 她说:“发生了什么事?”这是一个治疗心理医生的心理医生,我们不得不去看这些心理医生,因为他们的废话测量仪很准(知道你什么时候在说真心话)。

    She said , " What 's going on ? " And this is a therapist who sees therapists , because we have to go to those , because their B.S. meters are good .