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shuō qíng
  • intercede;plead for mercy for sb;solicit favour on behalf of others;intercede for sb
说情 [shuō qíng]
  • [intercede] 替人讲情;代人请求宽恕

说情[shuō qíng]
  1. 我们拍摄那天超时了,要不是她说情,她的助手肯定把她押到下一个场去。

    We film overtime that day , if it were not for her plead for mercy for sb , her assistant affirms her detain to go to next field .

  2. 他有时候也极力为我说情。

    He had occasionally tried to intercede for me

  3. 当他试着说情时很快被制止了。

    He was quickly snubbed when he tried to intercede .

  4. 神的朋友可以为别人说情。

    The friend of God can plead with Him for others .

  5. 当时有这一种观念,殉道者可以当说情者,为活着基督徒说情。

    This idea that martyrs could be intercessors for living Christians develops .

  6. 我为他向他的雇主说情。

    I interceded for him with his employer .

  7. 为其儿子向某人说情。

    Intercede with a person for his son .

  8. 加强纳税心理分析提高税收征管技巧&兼谈防止和拒绝说情的艺术

    To Strengthen Psychological Analysis of Tax , and to Improve Tax Collection and Management Skills

  9. 不义者,将没有任何亲友,也没有奏效的说情者。

    No intimate friend nor intercessor will the wrong-doers have , who could be listened to .

  10. 你应该期望这个婴儿会在复生日审判时为你说情。

    You should anticipate this baby to intercede on your behalf on the Day of Judgment .

  11. 律师答应为那囚犯说情,放他出狱。

    The lawyer has promised to intercede for the prisoner , hoping to free him from prison .

  12. 我了解他。我知道,为乔治说情,就会毁了他的事。

    I do . I knew that to intercede for George would have been to ruin his cause .

  13. 国王想把他停职罢俸;他甚至于还想把他发配充军呢,但是我出来说情了。

    The king wanted to stop his wages ; he even wanted to banish him , but I interfered .

  14. 媚兰出面说情,弗兰克答应给他涨工钱,全都无济于事。

    Not all melanie 's pleading or frank 's promises of higher pay would induce him to take up the reins again .

  15. 社会上下左右普遍存在着说情风,亦是阻碍记者报导的原因之一。

    Widespread " interceding with the Wind " from top to bottom in society is also one of the reasons which hindered reporters reported .

  16. 范德卢顿太太眉开眼笑地看着她,那笑容仿佛是以斯帖正在向亚哈随鲁说情,不过她丈夫却抗议似地举起一只手。

    Mrs. van der Luyden beamed on her with the smile of Esther interceding with Ahasuerus ; but her husband raised a protesting hand .

  17. 先离任后审计、说情干扰、信息虚假、评价标准欠缺等因素将招致审计的高风险;

    The great risk of auditing comes from the audit after leaving office , pleading and disturbing false information and the shortage of appraising standard and so on .

  18. 可是,没过多久,约克又对格雷先生说情,好心的格雷先生答应让鲁宾·史密斯回来。

    However , some time later , York spoke again to Lord Gray , who was very kind - hearted , and he took , Reuben Smith back .

  19. 我们祷告上最大的帮手就是主耶稣基督,祂是我们在父那里的中保、我们的大祭司,祂现在主要的职务,就是替我们在父前说情、代求。

    OUR great Helper in prayer is the Lord Jesus Christ , our Advocate with the Father , our Great High Priest , whose chief ministry for us these centuries has been intercession and prayer .