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  1. 若考虑CO2的直接肥效作用,雨养和灌溉小麦均表现明显增产趋势。

    The yield increases for both irrigated wheat and rainfed wheat if the direct effect of CO_2 is considered in the simulation .

  2. 许多微藻具有利用有机碳进行兼养和异养的能力,可以弥补自养培养光限制的不足,并且提高了EPA产量。

    Some microalgae can grow mixotrophically and heterotrophically on organic carbon , which can compensate for the light limitation of autotrophication , and also improve the EPA-yielding .

  3. 在不考虑CO2肥效作用和种植制度变化的B2情景下,未来我国雨养和灌溉玉米产量分别下降2%和14.3%。

    Under the B2 scenario of no CO2 fertilization and crop system change , the yield of rain-fed and irrigated maize will separately decrease 2 % and 14.3 % in 2070s .

  4. 侗族传统生计与水资源的储养和利用

    Traditional Livelihood and Water Resources Storage & Utility of Dong People

  5. 雨养和灌溉条件下小麦叶片光合特性的比较

    Comparison with Photosynthetic Characteristic of Wheat between Precipitation Growth and Irrigation Growth

  6. 群养和个体圈养产蛋鹅的繁殖性能

    Reproductive Performance of laying geese kept in flocks or in individual pens

  7. 饲养猪、山养和家禽等。

    Raising pigs , and poultry raising mountain .

  8. 牧民们已经积累了一万年丰富的畜牧经验,知道如何群养和迁徙他们的动物,

    We 'd had 10000 years of extremely knowledgeable pastoralists bunching and moving their animals ,

  9. 调查珍珠养殖场合浦珠母贝人工培育幼苗的管养和生长情况。

    The growth and management of the pearl oyster spats in the farm were investigated .

  10. 非家养的鸭,特指绿头鸭。种番鸭网上平养和网上地面混合平养饲养效果研究

    The research of feeding effect about online-Ping Yang and ground-line mixed-Ping Yang of kinds of muscovy duck

  11. 各方仅对自己的雇员实行工人恤养和职工责任保险。

    Each party will carry Workmen 's Compensation and Employers Liability Insurance with respect to their employees only .

  12. 半散养和圈养东北虎群狮弓蛔虫感染调查及综合防治

    Infection Survey and Integrated Controlling of Toxascaris Leonina of Siberia Tigers Half-bred in Scatter and Raised in Sties

  13. 哈大铁路客专德惠制梁场箱梁混凝土蒸养和压浆施工工艺

    Technology for Steam Curing and Pressure Grouting of Concrete Box Girders in Dehui for Harbin-Dalian Passenger Railway Line

  14. 应用分养和长期不可预见性中等强度应激造成抑郁症模型大鼠。

    Separation feeding , long term unpredictability and medium stimulation stress techniques were applied to develop depression model rats .

  15. 9月底,他转院至香港养和医院(sanatorium&hospital)的消息,并未让媒体消停,只不过让记者们转移了阵地。

    His transfer to Hong Kong Sanatorium & Hospital in late September did not end the media frenzy . Reporters only shifted camp .

  16. 在动态模型中,散养和规模的精饲料费、散养死亡损失费对存栏量影响显著。

    In the dynamic model , backyard and scale fine feed costs and backyard death loss fees have obvious effect on amount of livestock on hand .

  17. 养和医院家族遗传性癌症服务家族遗传性癌症服务以癌症高危家族成员为主要服务对象,协助他们预防癌症,并且能及早发现癌症。

    Familial Cancer Services in Hong Kong Sanatorium & Hospital Familial Cancer Services aim to promote the prevention and early detection of cancer in affected families .

  18. 本论文通过一项试验研究和一个调查报告比较了地面平养和网上平养对肉仔鸡生产效果的影响。

    This thesis was conducted to compare the effects of floor rearing and net-rearing on performance of broiler chicks using experiment research and Investigation report . 1 .

  19. 试验研究:试验选择1日龄800羽出生重相近的商品代艾维茵肉雏鸡,随机分为两组,每组4个重复,每个重复100羽,进行地面平养和网上平养对比试验。

    Experiment research : Eight hundred 1-day old healthy broilers were allocated randomly into floor-rearing and net-rearing groups . Each group contained 400 chicks with 100 broilers as a replicate .

  20. 结论:在局灶性脑缺血大鼠模型的基础上复合孤养和应激处理可以制备出较理想的脑卒中后抑郁大鼠模型。

    CONCLUSION : On the basis of focal cerebral ischemic rat models , separately raised condition and stress disposal are applied successively to set up suitable poststroke depression rat models .

  21. 新增内容包括「养和医疗档案」、「理财入你袋」、「星观发财」等等,又邀得城中顶尖作家和名人执笔撰写精采专栏。

    New features were included covering the areas on medical , investment , etc , while the column section has been further enhanced with a number of newly joined columnists .

  22. 对垫付的共同海损特殊费用,除船员工资、养和船舶消耗的燃料、外,应当计算手续费。

    A commission shall be allowed for the general average expenses paid on account , except those for the wages and maintenance of the crew and fuel and store consumed .

  23. 散养和规模养殖之间的技术效率差异明显,规模养殖的平均技术效率比散养高6%左右,而小、中、大规模养殖之间的技术效率差异并不明显。

    The gap of technical efficiency between the backyard and the scale breeding is obvious , the average technical efficiency of scale breeding is around 6 % higher than the backyard , while the difference between the small , medium and large-scale breeding is not obvious .

  24. 据消息人士透露,中国最有影响力的小说家之一金庸(原名查良镛)于周二(10月30日)下午在香港养和医院逝世,享年94岁。金庸去世时家人陪在身边。

    Louis Cha Leung-yung , one of the most influential Chinese novelists , and better known under the pen name Jin Yong , died on Tuesday afternoon in Hong Kong Sanatorium and Hospital surrounded by family members , according to sources close to him . He was 94 .

  25. 他们养马和牛,前者供骑乘,后者供食用。

    They keep horses and cattle , the former for riding , the latter for food .

  26. 日常生活主要包括农耕、养羊和生产羊毛。

    Daily life was marked by farming , sheep raising and wool production .

  27. 他不但不养猫和狗,而且不准仆人打老鼠。

    He not only didn 't keep cats and dogs , but also wouldn 't allow his servants to kill rats .

  28. 养子女和生父母间的权利和义务,因收养关系的成立而消除。

    The right and duties in the relationship between a foster child and his or her natural parents shall terminate with the establishment of this adoption .

  29. 本法所说的子女,包括婚生子女、非婚生子女、养子女和有扶养关系的继子女。

    The " children " referred to in this Law include legitimate children , illegitimate children and adopted children , as well as step-children who supported or were supported by the decedent .

  30. 四:穴养蚯蚓和其它两个处理相比,能显著提高叶片的N,P,K,Ca,Mg含量,有效矫正毛叶枣缺镁症状;

    Compare to other treatments , earthworm breed in the hole which fertilizing cow dung can increase the leaves ' nutrient content of ber significantly , and correct the grass tetany ;