
  1. 我国企业与机关事业单位职工养老待遇差距分析

    Studies on the Difference of Pension Benefit between Administrative Business Units and Enterprises in China

  2. 无单位治理的退休人员死亡后,养老待遇如何申报?

    After the retiree that does not have unit management dies , how is pay of provide for the aged declared ?

  3. 答:由单位凭死亡证实、劳动手册、向地税部门申报减册的《社会保险费变动申报表》,到社保部门养老待遇业务窗申报。

    Answer : use manual by dead proof , fatigue by the unit , declare to land tax section decrease book " social insurance premium is fluctuant declare a watch ", declare to window of business of pay of provide for the aged of social security branch .

  4. 劳动者开始依法享受基本养老保险待遇的;

    The worker has begun to enjoy the basic old-age insurance treatments ;

  5. (四)享受基本养老保险待遇的;

    D.enjoyment of basic pension benefits ;

  6. 提高基本养老保险待遇水平问题探究&基于分享经济发展成果的理念

    THE RESEARCH FOR IMPROVING BENEFITS OF BASIC PENSION & in View of the Idea of Sharing Economical Developmental Achievements

  7. 被征地农民养老保险待遇调整方法的探索&以宁波市为例

    Discussion on the Treatment Adjust Methods for Pension Insurance System of the Landless Peasant : A Case Study of Ningbo City

  8. 被判徒刑缓刑期间,可以继续享受基本养老保险待遇,但基本养老金不作调整。

    During probation of the sentence that be sentenced , can continue to enjoy treatment of primary endowment insurance , but basic annuities is not made adjust .

  9. 法定退休年龄,是国家法律、法规规定的,解除劳动者劳动义务,开始享受养老保险待遇的年龄界限。

    Legal and emeritus age , state law , code sets , remove laborer labor is compulsory , begin to enjoy the age limit of endowment insurance pay .

  10. 已经按国家规定领取基本养老保险待遇的人员,不再转移基本养老保险关系。

    For persons who have started enjoying the basic pension insurance treatment under the relevant state provisions , their basic pension insurance relations will not be transferred any more .

  11. 所谓转制成本,是指当旧制度中止时,政府为了兑现对在旧制度下已经退休的老人和已经参加工作尚未退休的职工承诺的养老保险待遇,所应该积累的资金现值。

    The concept of the transformation cost is that when the old system fell into ceasing , the government should keep the pension-insurance benefits of the retired and the un retired employees .

  12. 职工到达退休年龄,凡符合规定的缴费年限,均可享受基本养老保险待遇,按月领取养老金。

    The worker reachs emeritus age , every accords with formulary capture to expend fixed number of year , all can enjoy treatment of primary endowment insurance , get old-age pension by the month .

  13. 实行个人缴费,是每个职工享受养老保险待遇权利应尽的义务,也是社会保险权利与义务相一致的具体体现。

    Execute individual capture to expend , it is the obligation that every worker enjoys right of endowment insurance pay to should be used up , also be a society what insurance right and compulsory phase agree is specific reflect .

  14. 作为继取消农业税、开展农业直补和新型农村合作医疗等政策之后的又一项重大惠农政策,预计约有1500万农村人口将享受新养老保险待遇。

    As following the abolition of agricultural tax , direct subsidies for agriculture and new rural cooperative medical care and other policy after the policy has a major benefit farmers , estimated that about 15 million rural people will enjoy the new old-age insurance benefits .

  15. 中国农村社会养老保险养老待遇的实证性研究

    Demonstration research of China countryside social endowment insurance and treatment

  16. 但是,地方性的农民工养老保险政策不仅使农民工的养老保险待遇差异较大,也使他们的养老保险关系难以接续。

    However , the local pension insurance policy for migrant workers not only led to the different treatment , but also made the pension insurance relationship difficult to transfer .

  17. 建立公平的养老保险制度,使社会成员间享受公平的养老保险待遇,是完善养老保险制度的重要课题。

    Setting up a fair social security system and provide equal treatment to the social members is an important subject in building the social security system .

  18. 相当规模的非正规就业者没有参加社会养老保险,既便是参加了也无法真正享受到公正的养老待遇。

    Large scale of informal employees did not attend social endowment insurance , as it took part in the can not really enjoy the fair endowment treatment .

  19. 笔者一是利用山东省06年的养老保险统计年报数据,对比新老政策下我省城镇职工养老保险待遇的变化和基金收支情况。

    First , the author uses the data in annual report of 2006 to Contrast the pension under the old and new policies for urban workers in the treatment of old-age insurance and fund balance of payments situation .

  20. 问:已参加养老保险,但届退休年龄时养老保险缴费年限仍不足的,养老待遇如何处理?

    Ask : already attended endowment insurance , but capture of the endowment insurance when emeritus age expends fixed number of year to still be not worth , if why is pay of provide for the aged handled ?

  21. 答:企业补充养老保险是在国家法定基本养老保险的基础上另由企业为提高本企业职工的养老保险的待遇水平,用自有资金而设立的一种辅助性的养老保险。

    Answer : enterprise complement endowment insurance is the is the endowment insurance that increases this company worker additionally by the enterprise salary standard on the foundation that decides primary endowment insurance in national law , one kind when use own reserves and establish assists sexual endowment insurance .