
  1. 中国社会养老金入市的体制性制约因素分析

    The Analysis of the Constrains by the Pension System for Chinese Pensions to Enter Capital Markets

  2. 我国养老金“入市”或在今年启动,这一备受期待的政策将向股市注入约6000亿元的资金,很可能改善A股市场流动性。

    China 's pension fund may begin investing in the nation 's A-share markets this year , an anticipated move that will channel approximately RMB600b into the equity market and likely improve its liquidity .

  3. 人社部部长尹蔚民上周表示:“养老金“入市”的相应细则预计将很快出台,养老金将通过委托机构投资者投资股市。”

    Yin Weimin , the minister of Human Resources and Social Security , said last week : " Detailed guidelines about how the investments will be conducted are expected shortly and the investments will be made through commissioned institutional investors . "