
  • 网络Materials Forming
  1. 材料成型专业注重加强专业建设,深化教学改革,拓宽专业方向,加强课程建设、实践教学和学风建设,积极进行科学研究,促进了教学质量的提高。

    Specialty of materials forming attaches importance to the establishment of the discipline , deepen the reform of teaching , broaden the field , strengthen the building of the courses , practical teaching and the style of study to promote the teaching quality .

  2. PET机织物增强PVC复合材料成型工艺探讨用于复合材料的3D织物

    Research on the processing of pet woven fabric reinforced PVC Composites

  3. 双马来酰亚胺(BMI)&玻璃布复合材料成型工艺及性能研究

    On Molding Process and Properties of BMI / Glass Cloth Composite

  4. 木材弯曲成型的应用、工艺及设备PVC木塑复合材料成型技术

    Technology and Equipment of Bended Wood Parts for Furniture The molding process for PVC / wood composite materials

  5. 国产PEEK为基体的复合材料成型工艺研究

    The forming technology for the composite materials with native peek matrix

  6. 玻璃纤维增强PEEK复合材料成型工艺研究

    Studies of the processing conditions of glass fibre reinforced PEEK composites

  7. 高性能PBO纤维复合材料成型工艺参数研究

    Study of Manufacture Processing Parameter of High-Performance PBO Fiber Composite

  8. RFI(ResinFilmInfusion)是一种低成本、高效率的复合材料成型工艺,尤其适合制造复杂形状的大型复合材料构件。

    The resin film infusion ( RFI ) has been identified as a cost-effective fabrication technique for manufacturing large geometrically complex structural components .

  9. 同时采用光学显微镜和SEM分别对织造中玻纤断裂情况和树脂在复合材料成型过程中的渗透性进行了研究。

    The optical microscope and SEM were employed to analyze the damage of glass fiber during weaving and resin permeability in the course of molding of composite materials .

  10. 本文介绍了利用ActiveX技术,将VB、MATLAB无缝连接的方法.以及如何利用MATLAB对复合材料成型过程中的工艺参数进行数值插值、拟合和动态的三维参数场的建立。

    This paper introduces the technology of ActiveX connecting VB and MATLAB , the method of interpolation and curve fitting of matlab , and the establishment of three-dimensional parameter field .

  11. 树脂膜熔渗工艺(RFI)是一种新型的复合材料成型工艺。

    Resin film infusion ( RFI ) is a new technique for the manufacture of composite structures .

  12. 采用ABS/SBS和ABS/GF材料成型了圆环状试样,使用了自行设计的试验装置对环状试样进行疲劳试验,分析比较在环状下不同填料对ABS的疲劳性能的影响。

    By adding SBS and GF into ABS , and testing the fatigue properties of the annular specimen , the article mainly analyzes the influence of different filler for ABS .

  13. 复合材料成型工艺中辅助材料的应用选用CaO含量大于75%的过烧石灰,配合一定量的辅助材料,研制无声破碎剂。

    This paper describes the process of developing soundless cracking agent by mixing over-burnt lime with CaO content over 75 % and a certain quantity of auxiliary material .

  14. 介绍了HAAKE转矩流变仪的系统组成及其在高分子材料成型加工中的应用。

    The composition of HAAKE torque rheometer and its application to polymer moulding were introduced .

  15. 分析了SLS直接熔融低熔点性粉末材料成型时的控温机理,将整个逐层加工过程的控温工艺分为一般层控温和关键层控温。

    With the analysis of temperature control mechanism in the process of Sintering low melting point powders to product parts directly , the temperature control process of SLS system has been classified as temperature control of general layers and key layers .

  16. 介绍了我国树脂基复合材料成型工艺已陈旧过时、必须更新换代的原因;RTM和辐射固化(主要有EB、UV固化)的优越性;

    This paper discusses the reason for new process for resin matrix composites to replace the old processes , it also introduces the advantages of RTM and radiation curing processes ( EB and UV ), which have been concluded as the most optimal processes for resin matrix composites .

  17. 通过不同温度下CCPAEK树脂熔融指数的测定,得到合适的热塑性复合材料成型温度及压力制度。

    The temperature and press program of the thermal forming process was confirmed through determining Melt Index ( MI ) of the CCPAEK at different temperatures .

  18. 关于材料成型及控制工程专业实践教学的思考

    Thought of practical teaching on material forming and controlling engineering specialty

  19. PTFE/GF透波复合材料成型工艺与性能研究

    Study on Processing and Properties of PTFE / GF Wave-transparent Composite

  20. 树脂基复合材料成型工艺可行性评价技术研究

    Research on Feasibility Evaluation for Forming Process of Resin Matrix Composites

  21. 齿轮泵在高分子材料成型加工中的应用及特点

    Application an Characteristics of Gear Pump used in Polymer Material Processing

  22. 研究了树脂基复合材料成型工艺中的决策知识和事例知识的构成和表达形式。

    The structure and expression of decision and case knowledge are discussed .

  23. 改进耐火材料成型设备技术经验交流会在鞍山召开

    Exchange of technical experience to improve moulding equipments for refractories

  24. 蜂窝夹层复合材料成型用压力垫的研制

    Development of the Pattern Plate for moulding Honeycomb Composite of Acrylate Rubber

  25. 亚麻热塑性增强复合材料成型工艺及性能研究

    Research on Flax Thermoplastic Composite Molding Technology and Its Performance

  26. 树脂基复合材料成型技术发展的哲学思考

    Philosophy Investigation on the Development of Polymer Composites and Its Processing Technique

  27. 亚麻纤维毡/不饱和聚酯树脂复合材料成型工艺研究

    Research on molding technology of flax felt / unsaturated polyester resin composites

  28. 硅橡胶在聚合物基复合材料成型中的应用

    Application of Silicone Rubber in Polymer Based Composites Molding

  29. 基于技术进步的观点,对金属材料成型中数值模拟的讨论

    Discussing Numerical Value Simulation in Metal Forging Based on View of Technology Programming

  30. 复合材料成型加工现场设备的集中监控。

    Implement of monitor and control for field equipment .