- 网络delay retirement;postpone retirement;delay retirement age

In fact , 63 per cent of workers aged 50 to 61 expect to delay retirement , thus restricting openings for younger workers .
The first is to postpone retirement .
Jin said retirement age reform requires overall planning and coordination as it involves many supporting policies and measures .
The draft plan to gradually defer7 the retirement age is expected to be released this year , and we will solicit8 public opinions .
The most important feature of the retirement age reform is allowing people to choose when to retire according to their circumstances and conditions , said Jin . This showcases the flexibility and inclusiveness of the reform , said Jin .
Yin said the online guideline for when people of different ages should retire is fake , and the central government will take much slower , gradual steps in extending the retirement6 age , and will inform the public in advance .
Stipulate policies for gradually suspending the retirement age of employees .
Squeezed middle classes plan to keep on working to bail out their children .
It is not just the soaring cost of living which is triggering the delay .
Greek civil servants may have to get used to pay cuts and longer working lives .
Some say that by postponing workers ' retirement alone China could solve the problem of it 's shrinking workforce .
The government hopes later retirement will serve as a measure to help ease employment pressure and increase pension funds .
Extending the retirement age may be something the government has to do in the near future to alleviate the increasingly heavy pressure on pension funds .
The retirement age delay of female cadres and female intellectuals embodies the progress of the society , and it is a significant hallmark of gender equality .
Asked about the reason for the delay , one in five middle class workers said they ' needed to keep working in order to support their children ' .
If people carry on working until they are older , mothers should have more opportunity to return to full-time work as their children grow up and need them less .
Delaying retirement is a hot topic of academic debate in recent years , but there has been no countermeasure that can both make people satisfied and reduce the negative effects .
We know the life expectation is rising but see no evidence that a higher age of retirement would be matched by employers developing workplaces which encourage older workers to remain at work .
Perhaps unsurprisingly , one of the reforms the World Bank is calling for in east and Southeast Asia is for governments to provide actuarially fair incentives for both early and late retirement .
The report , from the investment firm Heartwood , said the delay is ' not driven by a love of their job , but by concerns of their ability to fund their retirement ' .
In an online survey conducted by china . com . cn , 90 % of web users objected to a higher retirement age , saying it should be up to each individual whether to work longer .
Then we set up an overlapping generation model that has introduce postponing retirement policy , integrate the individual , business and government behavior to determine the optimal retirement age and insurance replacement rate that maximize the social welfare .
The introduction of life-cycle theory of the rationality of retirement age , pointing out that the retirement age goes back there help to improve the ability of individuals to protect and increase the supply of labor and pension insurance fund .
In Vietnam , early retirement " actually increases pension wealth because the penalty is too low to offset the extra benefits received , " the World Bank says , adding that " the Philippines rewards early retirement with a large increase in pension wealth and penalises late retirement at a rate of 17 per cent a year . "
The paper analyzes the necessity and feasibility of postponing the statutory retirement age comprehensively , and gives some advice on it .
China will set a plan to raise the statutory retirement age in 2017 to relieve pressures from an aging population , an official researcher said .