
yán shí kāiɡuān
  • delay switch
  1. 所述开关为延时开关。

    The switch is a time delay switch .

  2. 对单线区间,在接收装置上设置1个3~5min延时开关;

    It can improve the signal-to-noise to over 3 and the receiving sensitivity can reach 10 μ V.For single track section , a 3 ~ 5 min time delay switch is fixed on the receiver .

  3. 高压冲水管由延时开关控制。

    The high-pressure flushing water pipe is controlled by the time-delay switch .

  4. 用突然减速操作的延时开关。

    Inertia switch operated by sudden deceleration .

  5. 便后用手按下延时开关,自动冲洗坐便器上部,开关自动关闭。

    After using the pedestal , the time-delay switch is pressed , then the upper part of the pedestal is washed automatically and the switch is closed automatically .

  6. 系统成本低,延时短,开关速度快,输出电压精度高。

    This system cost lower , delay times shorter , switching speed faster , output volt-age accuracy higher .

  7. 真空高防加延时避免电网波动开关误动

    When Vacuum Height Adding Delayed Avoid the Electrified Wire Netting Fluctuation Switch Mistake Moving

  8. 详细介绍桑塔纳2000(时代超人)电动门窗延时继电器在点火开关未接通前、接通后以及断开后的工作过程。

    The whole working process of time-delay relay for electric door-window on SANTANA 2000 is introduced in details here .

  9. 此外,分析了死区延时时间和功率开关器件的电压降所引起的变频器输出电流畸变现象及其增加的谐波含量。

    In addition , the article analyses current distortion phenomena and increased harmonic content caused by the dead-time and voltage drop of power switch component .

  10. 考虑到电路中存在延时,其中包括零电流比较器的转换时间,逻辑电路延时,驱动电路延时和开关管关闭的延时。

    Taking into account delay in the circuit , including the comparison of the zero-current conversion , logic delay , delay and driving circuit interrupters closed delay .