
  • 网络floatability
  1. 所以在这里,我会看到random。,比方说,在-浮动性值+浮动值之间。

    Uniform So here , I 'm going to look at the thing random dot uniform , for example , between minus volatility and plus volatility .

  2. BOT项目投资以项目特许权及其收益权为基础,项目财产是在取得特许权后的建设过程中逐步形成的,因而具有不特定性和价值的浮动性。

    The assets in BOT , an investment project based on chartered right and relevant usufruct , are unspecified and floating , since they form gradually after charter obtained .

  3. 影响思维层次的主要因素有思维的敏捷度、思维的广度、思维层次的浮动性和教师的教学艺术。

    The main factors which affect thinking levels were : quickness of thinking , width of thinking , soaring of thinking levels and the teachers ' thinking skills .

  4. 单一货币是解决目前国际货币体系稳定性与浮动性矛盾的出路,而且极有可能成为国际货币体系的改革方向。

    Single money is the way out for securing stability of the current international money system and solving the contradiction of floatage of this system , and furthermore , probably , will become an orientation of reforming this international system .

  5. 银行贷款利率浮动的差异性比较

    Thoughts on the Status Quo of Floating Interest Rates of Loans with Commercial Banks in Guangdong Province

  6. 在寻找最优几何变换参数时,采用峰值信噪比(PSNR)作为参考图像和浮动图像的相似性测度。

    When searching the optimal geometric transform parameters , peak signal-noise ratio ( PSNR ) was selected as the similarity measure between the reference and floating images .

  7. 在CSS2规范中,可以找到浮动属性的权威性定义和行为原则。

    The CSS2 Specification provides the definitive definition and behavior rules for the float property .

  8. 第二章:限制性条款&浮动担保的局限性之克服。

    Chapter Two : Restrictive Terms – Overcome the Deficiency of Floating Charges .

  9. 许多人将一个浮动汇率的竞争性常规货币的世界视为最后手段。

    Many people will regard a world even of competing conventional currencies exchanging at variable rates as very much a last resort .

  10. 但允许货币汇率浮动可能带来灾难性后果,即使(或由于)利率水平要高得多。

    But letting the currency float is likely to be disastrous , even with ( or because of ) much higher interest rates .

  11. 同时认为该制度具有以下四个特征:抵押物的集合性、抵押物的变动性、浮动抵押的转化性和抵押人对抵押物的自由处分权。

    At the same time that the system has the following four characteristics : a collection of collateral , the variability of collateral , the conversion of floating charges and mortgages people the freedom to dispose of the collateral .

  12. 相对于传统抵押而言,浮动抵押更具灵活性,并具有抵押标的的复合性和浮动性、权利性质可转化性及抵押额的可变性等特征。

    Compared with a traditional mortgage , the floating charge is more flexible : it has a compound and a floating mortgage target ; it has a transformative nature of right ; it has a changeable mortgage amount .

  13. 通过与固定抵押担保方式的比较,归纳出浮动抵押的三个突出特征:浮动抵押的抵押物的浮动性、抵押人可以自由处分抵押物、抵押物固定化是抵押权行使的前提。

    By way of security of fixed mortgage comparison , summarized the three prominent features of the floating charge : floating mortgage collateral " floating nature ", people are free to dispose of mortgage collateral , collateral mortgage fixed is the premise of the exercise .