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fú mí
  • decadent
浮靡 [fú mí]
  • [be flashy and wasteful] 浮华奢侈

  • 禁其浮靡,抑其兼并。--清. 洪亮吉《治平篇》

  1. 宫体诗是指产生于宫廷的、以宫廷生活为描写对象的诗歌,风格通常流于浮靡轻艳。

    Palace Style Poetry was the poem that mainly described the life of royal court .

  2. 迷惘、失落中,他们普遍回归自我,在艳情或闲适中安顿心灵,寻求安慰,齐梁浮靡诗风再度受到青睐。

    Bewildered and lost , they generally returned to self and tried to seek comfort in love affairs or leisure .

  3. 他的创作主张和实践在冲决浮靡的西昆诗风和文风、为宋诗的发展开辟新道路方面作出了突出的贡献。

    He made great contribution to opening the new path for the development of the poems in the Song Dynasty .

  4. 随着商品经济的进一步发展,晚明社会出现了重利趋商、浮靡奢侈、违礼逾制为主要特征的社会风尚。

    With the further development of commodity economy , the Late Ming Dynasty witnessed the emergence of new social conventions , with the characteristics of profit-driven way of business , prevailing extravagance , and violation of social norms .