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  1. 南部和西部六州将分别得到一个席位。

    Six states in the South and West will each gain one seat .

  2. 历史上的今天-美国第六州1788年的今天,马萨诸塞州被美国宪法批准问美国第六州。

    The sixth state of US 1788-Massachusetts became the sixth state to ratify the US Constitution .

  3. 新的降雪肯定会给华盛顿和其周边六州部分地区清理第一场积雪的工作带来阻碍。

    The new snow is sure to hamper efforts to dig out Washington and parts of six nearby states from the first storm .

  4. 我想一旦你习惯了在像纽约州、英格兰(国东北部六州的总称)者明尼苏达州这样的地方生活,你会很高兴住在那儿的。

    I think that once you become accustomed to life in a place like New York State , New England , or Minnesota , you would be happy to live there .

  5. 虽然西德的生活标准仍高出许多,但东德六州的生活质量也已显著提高,平均寿命提高了6年。

    Although living standards remain much higher in the west , quality of life in the six Eastern lnder , or states , has improved dramatically , adding six years to average life expectancy .

  6. 在成立后的两年内,其他六个州的城市也设立了类似的项目。

    Within two years of its start , similar programs were set up in cities in six other states .

  7. 星期天,美国南卡来罗纳州议会外平静无事。之前主张白人至上的组织三K党的部分成员星期六在州议会外集会,抗议南卡取下内战纪念碑悬挂的邦联旗帜,他们与在附近示威的非洲裔美国人发生对峙。

    All is calm outside the southern U.S. South Carolina statehouse Sunday , a day after scuffles broke out when the white supremacy group Ku Klux Klan protesting the removal of the Confederate flag came face-to-face with African-American activists demonstrating nearby .

  8. 他因为杀人和性侵犯在六个州被通缉。

    He 's wanted in6 states for murder and sexual assault .

  9. 我代表双子河畔六个州的莫霍克人说话。

    I speak for the twin rivers Mohawk of the six nations .

  10. 这场风暴造成了六个州两百多人丧生。

    The storms killed more than two hundred people in six states .

  11. 碘天利亚原来的六个州于1901年结成联邦。

    The Federation of the six original Australian States took place in1901 .

  12. 她在六个州投资飞行员计划。

    They funded a pilot project in six states .

  13. 新英格兰包括六个州。

    New England is made up of six states .

  14. 华盛顿州与其他六个州,以及哥伦比亚特区允许同性结婚。

    Washington joins six other states and the district of Columbia in allowing same-sex marriage .

  15. 六个州受到影响。

    Six states were affected .

  16. 至少在六个州的养猪场可能获得了用于饲料中的污染了的宠物食物。

    Hog farms in at least six states may have received tainted pet food for use in feed .

  17. 至少有六个州要求家庭托儿所在孩子小睡期间查看幼儿,堪萨斯州就是其中的一个。

    It is one of at least six states that require in-home providers to observe children during their nap times .

  18. 根据最新的人口普查结果,在即将到来的十年一次的选区重划之战中,六个州将获得更多的国会席位。

    Based on the new census results , six states will gain more seats in Congress during the upcoming once-a-decade redistricting battles .

  19. 约70%的人会抵达以下六个州:纽约州、马里兰州、宾夕法尼亚州、乔治亚州、新泽西州和弗吉尼亚州。

    About 70 percent of the people arrive to six states – New York , Maryland , Pennsylvania , Georgia , New Jersey and Virginia .

  20. 上个月,纽约州成为允许同性婚姻的第六个州,同时也是六个州中人口最多的一个,对于“同性婚姻”来说,这是自己最近一次的胜利,同时也是有史以来最伟大的胜利之一。

    Among the greatest and most recent was New York 's decision last month to become the sixth and most-populous state to allow same-sex marriage .

  21. 尽管美国有六个州及哥伦比亚特区的立法者或法院都已通过了同性婚姻合法化,但选民投票一直反对。

    While same-sex unions have been legalized in six states and the District of Columbia by lawmakers or courts , voters had consistently rejected doing so .

  22. 根据美国单身族协会的统计,目前全国六个州和大多数主要城市都已出现“单身人士占多数”的情况。

    According to the American Association for single people , an " unmarried majority " has emerged in most major cities , as well as six states .

  23. 墨西哥已有六个州禁止在马戏团中使用动物表演,颁布同样禁令的还有包括玻利维亚、秘鲁、巴拉圭和哥伦比亚等在内的几个南美洲国家。

    Six Mexican states have already banned the use of animals in the circus , as do South American countries , Bolivia , Peru , Paraguay and Colombia .

  24. 在脑膜炎疫情出现更多案例,六个州报告疫情出现一种罕见的类型,它与用于治疗背部疼痛的受污染的类固醇药物有关。

    More cases in the meningitis outbreak , six states reporting additional cases of a rare type of it , linked to contaminated steroid drug used to treat back pain .

  25. 据报道,染病地区又多了六个州:佛罗里达、乔治亚、密苏里、纽约、田纳西、佛蒙特,加上之前染病地区共计23个州。

    Six more states Florida , Georgia , Missouri , New York , Tennessee and Vermont reported illnesses related to the outbreak , bringing the number of affected states to23 .

  26. 本周三,美国司法部联合了六个州向联邦法院发起了一项诉讼,要求阻止合并,称此项合并将导致票价和费用的提升

    The Justice Department joined a half dozen states in filing a lawsuit to block the merger in federal court , saying it will lead to higher fares and fees .

  27. 现在,好消息是自从我第一次呼吁国会提高最低工资标准以来,有六个州先后立法通过提高了各自的工资标准。

    Now , the good news is that in the year since I first called on Congress to raise the minimum wage , six states have passed laws to raise theirs .

  28. 2005年初,在全球六大州19个国家共有35个艾滋病疫苗候选进入了人体早期临床实验。选用的抗原一般均着眼于诱导细胞免疫和体液免疫双重效果。

    There are about 35 HIV vaccine candidates around the world entered into early phase of clinical trial at the beginning of 2005 . The selected antigens usually could induce both cellular and humoral immune response .

  29. 针对六名犹他州失踪矿工的搜救工作已经被无限期地推迟。

    The search for six missing miners in Utah has been suspended indefinitely .

  30. 这位很有希望的总统候选人星期六在爱荷华州说重要的是美国接下来在伊拉克做什么。

    The presidential hopeful was in Iowa Saturday where she said what 's important is what the country does next in Iraq .