
liù fǔ
  • the six hollow organs
六腑 [liù fǔ]
  • [six hollow organs] 胆、胃、大肠、小肠、三焦、膀胱六个器官的合称

六腑[liù fǔ]
  1. 六腑:胆、胃、小肠、大肠、膀胱、三焦

    The six hollow organs : gallbladder , stomach ; small intestine ; large intestine ; Bladder and san jiao

  2. 我把五肺六腑都倒了出来,就想要她知道我内心真实的感受。

    I spilled my guts and let her know about all the feelings I had been harboring inside .

  3. 小肠作为六腑之一,具有受盛、化物、泌别清浊等功能。

    The small intestine has the function of receiving and resolving food , separating the useful from the waste and in charge of body fluid .

  4. 六腑在运化水谷中,依次进行受纳、消化、传输、排泄的过程。

    While the six Fu-organs transport and tranform water and food , the process of reception , digestion , transportation and excretion are also in progress .

  5. 三焦是六腑之一,在所有的脏腑器官中,它是人体中最大的腑。

    The triple energizer is one ot the six fu-organs , and among all the zang-fu organs , it is the largest fu-organ in the human body .

  6. 六腑中参与痰形成的主要是胃,也与膀胱、三焦和胆的功能活动相关。

    Furthermore , stomach is the main participator in the formation of phlegm . The functions of bladder , Sanjiao and gallbladder are also related to that process .

  7. 五脏的共同生理特点是化生和贮藏精气;六腑的共同生理特点是受盛和传化水谷。

    The common physiological functions of the five Zang-organs are to produce and store essence ; the common physiological functions of the six fu-organs are to receive , transport water and food .

  8. 第二部分着重论述脑在脏腑气机阴阳升降生理过程的生理变化,主要从脏腑气机阴阳升降之根本、轴枢、道路三方面论述,并论述了六腑气机升降对脑的影响。

    Part two described the physiological change of brain in the process of zang-fu organs , yin-yang and qi ascending and descending movement from three aspects including basic , pivot and path .

  9. 胃虽为六腑之一,但是具有受纳和腐熟水谷的生理功能,是脾主运化水谷精微的先决条件,其生理意义同样非常重要。

    Though the stomach is one of the six fu-organs , it has the physiological function of receiving food and decomposition , so is the prerequisite of the spleen to transform and transport subtle , its physical significance is also very important .

  10. 而祖国医学认为,六腑气滞血瘀,不通则痛,出现痛、吐、胀、闭四大症状,即气滞血瘀和水饮内停六腑梗阻的表现。

    The medicine believes that the six fu qi stagnation , not General pain , a " pain , vomiting , swelling , closing " the four symptoms , namely , qi asthenia causing blood stasis and obstruction of water to drink on the stopping performance of six internal organs .