
  1. 情歌开唱,歌者现身&以《从朗诵到吹奏》为例看冉仲景抒情歌谣的美学追求

    Singing Love Songs along Appearance of Singers : The Aesthetic Pursuit of Ran Zhongjing 's Lyrical Ballads Taking From Recitation to Performing as an Example

  2. 由此可见,冉仲景笔耕不辍的创作,诗歌中洋溢着强烈的原始生命力,这为当今诗坛的发展注入了鲜活的生命力。

    Thus it can be seen , Ran Zhongjing earns a living by pen the ceaseless creation , in the poetry is brimming with the intense primitive vitality , this to the poetic world development have poured into the bright vitality now .

  3. 这样,既是对冉仲景的诗歌的专题的具体的学术研究,也是对重庆文学地方性独特文本的区域性和民族性解读,是对重庆文学研究的拓展,也是对当代诗歌的丰富和补充。

    Thus , since to Ran Zhongjing poetry topic concrete scholarly research , is also to Chongqing literature local characteristic unique text regional characteristic and the national characteristic explanation , is to Chongqing literature research development , is also to the contemporary poetry rich and the supplement .