
  1. 从两地医家群体的学术特色与成就看,吴中与新安医家有共通之处,但又各具特色,学术倾向有别。

    The doctors of Wuzhong and Xin ' an had something in common , judging from academic features and achievements , but they each had their own academic propensity .

  2. 其内容包涵新安医家对中医经典著作的阐发、具体病证的辨证分析、经方的加减应用等多方面,浓缩、涵盖了中医基础理论和临床各方面的知识。

    The content includes elucidation of tradition Chinese medicine classics , syndrome applications by Xin ' an doctors , concentrates and covers basic theory of traditional Chinese medicine and clinical knowledge .

  3. 新安医学医家数量之多,影响之大,使之越来越受到研究者的重视。

    The Xin ' an medicine school has attracted researchers more and more attention because of its large number of traditional Chinese physicians and their enormous influence .