
  1. 开发新险种,增强市场竞争力;

    Develop new insurance categories to strengthen the market competition power ;

  2. 带扰动的具有新险种开发的负风险模型

    The negative risk model perturbed by Brownian motion with new kinds of policy arrival

  3. 开发新险种;

    Develop new insurance products ;

  4. 发展西部保险业需要从培育保险意识、培植市场主体、针对西部市场设计新险种、健全资本市场并促进保险资金的直接入市、加强风险监管5个方面进行具体策略的设计与实施。

    Efforts should be made in cultivating an awareness of insurance , establishing market subjects , designing new insurances for West China , bettering capital markets and promoting the direct input of insurance capitals , and strengthening the monitoring of risks .

  5. 针对问题提出的改进建议:一是创新产品,满足农民多层次的需求;二是正确运用非技术策略;三是适应农村民间习俗,开发新险种。

    According to the problems , this paper puts forward suggestions on improvement : the products innovation , correct usage of non-technical strategy , and development of new micro-life-insurance based on the adaptation of the rural folk customs . Secondly , the existing problems of price strategy .

  6. 而且这种模型对保险公司开发新的险种具有一定的指导作用。

    Moreover this kind of model can direct insurance company to developing new insurance .

  7. 随着中国注册会计师业的发展,保险公司也为会计师事务所开设了一个新的险种&注册会计师执业责任保险。

    With the development of China Certified Accountant Industry , the insurance company also has offered a new insurance kind for the accountant 's firm too-the liability insurance of industry that holds certified accountant .

  8. 按照婚姻法的新司法解释,妻子被丈夫抛弃时,不再按照常规获得丈夫婚前财产的一半这催生了一个新的险种,在离婚时仅对妻子进行支付。

    The reinterpretation of the marriage law which overturned the practice of routinely giving jilted wives half of property purchased by the husband before marriage spawned a new industry in insurance policies that pay only the wife upon divorce .