
  • 网络new media;emerging media
  1. 第四部分,新兴媒体之虚假广告罪。

    The forth part : " False advertising sin " on Emerging media .

  2. 电视这个新兴媒体从它诞生的那天起就和娱乐结下了不解之缘。

    Television this emerging media that day which was born from it has the indissoluble bond with the entertainment .

  3. 互联网(Internet)是一种新兴媒体,它的迅速发展和日益普及,使人类社会迈向了网络时代。

    Internet is a new kind of medium , its rapid development and popularization beat the mankind into the Internet Times .

  4. 新兴媒体之间的较量:手机PK网络&浅析受众参与性的扩张

    Competition of Emerging Medias : Cell phone PK Network Analysis of the Participation Expansion of Audience

  5. Blog作为一种新兴媒体,对新闻、出版、教育、传播等产生巨大影响。

    Blog , as a new developing medium , is exerting an enormous influence on such a great deal of respects as news , publishing , education , propaganda , etc.

  6. 特别是随着IPTV、直播电视、手机电视、网络电视等新兴媒体的出现,有线电视赖以生存的空间不断受到挤压。

    Especially as IPTV , Live television , mobile TV , Internet TV and some other popular media have sprung up , cable TV meets challenges for survival .

  7. 网络、博客、数字化、3G、P2P、自媒体、虚拟社区等新兴媒体概念成为当今社会流行的符号,愈发深刻地影响着我们的日常生活。

    The concepts of network , blog , digital , 3G , P2P , we media , virtual communities and other new media become a popular symbol in nowadays society , and increasingly profound impact on our daily lives .

  8. 信息技术的进步始终是一种改变世界的最具有革命性的力量。以IPTV为代表的新兴媒体迅猛发展,使媒介之间的融合成为现实。

    The progress of informational technology is always the most revolutionary power changing the world . The new media represented by IPTV are developing swiftly and violently , and the convergence among media has been set in reality .

  9. 信息技术的飞速发展催生了新兴媒体的诞生,互联网、博客、微博、数字电视等新型媒介形式的出现,把公众带入了全民DIY的时代。

    The rapid development of information technology has led to the birth of the new media and the emergence of the new media form , for example , the internet , blog , microblog , digital TV and so on has brought the public into the " DIY " age .

  10. MargieNewman称该艺术节是“便携电脑,智能手机等新兴媒体的海洋,引领未来技术的新潮流。”Newman是华盛顿特区的公共关系教授。她今年已经是第三次参加西南偏南艺术节。

    Margie Newman describes the event as " a sea of Mac-toting , smartphone-obsessed , new media snobs on a mission to know what is next . " Ms. Newman is a public relations professional in Washington D.C. She made her third trip to the South by Southwest festival this year .

  11. 作为一种新兴媒体其公信力明显不足;

    As a new media that the public confidence is obvious inadequate ;

  12. 新兴媒体要实现公共传播,关键是发展和培育交往理性。

    The public communication relies on developing communicational rationality .

  13. 面对这个风起云涌的新兴媒体,原有的广告客户也随之有了广告的需求。

    To this popular new media , the advertiser has many new requirements .

  14. 新兴媒体冲击下的传统报业发展研究

    Under the Impact of New Media Development of the Traditional Newspaper Industry Study

  15. 中国网络媒体已经成为和传统媒体一样有重大影响力的新兴媒体。

    In China , Web media have become very important , just as traditional media .

  16. 这(指网络)仅仅是一个未被控制起的新兴媒体领域罢了。

    This is just a new area of media that hasn 't been controlled yet .

  17. 在新兴媒体的冲击之下,高校传统的新闻宣传工作的实效逐渐被削弱。

    Under attack from new media , the effect of journalism in universities has been weakened .

  18. 作为新兴媒体的互联网也悄然改变了传统道德教育的内容和方式。

    As a new media Internet has gradually changed the traditional moral education content and way .

  19. 新兴媒体;和谐社会;新平台;新课题;新举措。

    New media ; a harmonious society ; the new platform ; a new topic ; new measures .

  20. 互联网新兴媒体对构建社会主义和谐社会既带来了机遇,又提出了挑战。

    Internet start-ups to build a socialist harmonious society , the media has created both opportunities and challenges .

  21. 它是网络这一新兴媒体与新闻评论相结合的产物,是网络媒体的旗帜和灵魂。

    It is associative outcome of network and news comment . It is flag and soul of network media .

  22. 视频广告如何借助新兴媒体将最有效的广告信息传递出去变得十分重要。

    How do video ads with new media to deliver the most effective advertising message out to become very important .

  23. 微博作为近年来快速发展起来的网络新兴媒体,已积累上亿用户。

    As a fast developing new media on the Internet , micro blogging has accumulated hundreds of millions of users .

  24. 至于网络这种新兴媒体应用新闻作品时的版权情况,我国著作权法根本没有相关规定。

    There is no relevant rules about situation that the news media adopts news work in copyright laws in our country .

  25. 以网络媒体与移动媒体为代表的新兴媒体的崛起,改变了媒体竞争的基本格局,不仅推动了报业集团的业务变革,也促进了报业集团的全媒体转型。

    The rise of new media , represented by web and mobile , has changed the basic pattern of media competition .

  26. 新媒体技术突飞猛进,传者与受众的界限己日渐模糊,新兴媒体使传统的线性传播变为网状互动。

    The boundary between disseminators and audiences is blurred . It is new media which changes linear dissemination to reticulate interactive .

  27. 计算机作为一种新兴媒体,随着生产成本的不断下降,以计算机为媒介的新型教育方式在教育中越来越多的被普遍采用。

    The computer , a new media , is widely used in the new educational forms with the decrease in cost .

  28. 互联网作为一种新兴媒体,具有传输速度快、容量大、互动性强等特点,影响力已经超过其他任何一种媒体。

    As a new media , Internet has characteristics of a transmission speed , large capacity , interactivity and so on .

  29. 新兴媒体手机报&经问世就凭借自身独特的媒介特性快速发展。

    Once released , the mobile phone newspaper as the new media has been developing rapidly because of its unique characteristics .

  30. 另外,西亚北非民众更借助网络等新兴媒体,以信息、制度的流通与交换,最终成就了此次政治变迁。

    In addition , internet , other emerging media , information flow and system exchange prompted ultimate success of the political change .