
  • 网络strategic thinking;Thinking Strategically
  1. 之后更多次在‘三分钟领悟’这个环节,讲解何谓策略性思维,新营销及管理概念。

    Gilbert was also a frequent speaker in the morning show 's '3 Minutes Realisation'speaking on strategic thinking , new marketing and management concepts .

  2. 警察谋略,是警察为执行其法定职责,针对各种对抗法律和警察执行职责的人和事,而进行的方法策略性思维谋划活动。

    Police strategy is strategic thinking activity done by police to execute legal responsibilities against all kinds of persons or matters confronting laws and police executing responsibilities .

  3. 论策略性知识向思维能力转化的机制与措施

    On the Mechanic and Method of the Strategic Knowledge Transforming into the Thinking Ability