
  1. 针对7坊街区位问题,离大学及高新产业集聚区较远,应主动把宣传走向校园,把大学生等新生创意力量引入集聚区。

    For 7 fang blocks a problem from university and high-tech industries , far concentrated area , should take the initiative to campus , the propaganda creative forces such as introducing new college students gathering area .

  2. 企业如何能够利用创意产业的力量?

    How can businesses harness the strength of the creative industries ?

  3. 他们继续尝试着风险,用创意而智慧的力量为自己的未来投资。

    They are taking risks and using their creative and intellectual powers to reinvent themselves for the future .

  4. 我们曾参与世界各地多项最富创意的可持续发展建筑、运输及基础设施,是这些项目背后的一股创意力量。

    The firm is the creative force behind many of the world 's most innovative and sustainable buildings , transport and civil engineering projects .