
  1. 事实上,创新领导力中心(CenterforCreativeLeadership)的报告显示,超过66%的领导力可以通过接受挑战来培养。

    In fact , the Center for Creative Leadership reports that over 66 % of leadership capabilities are forged through challenges .

  2. 但需要意识到创新在领导力中重要性的,并非只有首席执行官与商学院。

    But it is not only chief executives and business schools that need to realise the importance creativity plays in leadership .

  3. 技术创新、教育领导力与学习变革&21世纪学习国际论坛概述

    Technological Innovation , Educational Leadership and Learning Transformation : Summary of " 21st Century Learning "

  4. 以顾客为先的策略、创新精神和领导力是宝洁成功的重要基石,这也反映了德鲁克先生对我本人及我们公司的影响。

    Consumer-driven strategy , innovation and leadership are corner stones of P & G success and reflection of the influence Peter has had on me and on our company .

  5. 我希望与会的其他嘉宾也能加入到这些有价值的倡议当中,探索创新与商业领导力如何能为重大全球挑战提供解决方法。

    I hope the rest of you will join these valuable initiatives and help demonstrate how innovation and business leadership can be part of the solution to major global challenges .

  6. 针对浙江省大学生领导力所欠缺的政治素养、实践能力、自我管理能力,提出相应的对策;最后,提出需要创新高校大学生领导力培养方法。

    In the light of Zhejiang province college student leadership of the political quality , practice ability , the ability of self management and puts forward the corresponding countermeasures . Finally , put forward to innovation of college student leadership training method .

  7. 他的故事既富于启发,又发人深省,其中包含了乔布斯在创新、个性、领导力和价值观等方面的经验教训。

    His tale is instructive and cautionary , filled with lessons about innovation , character , leadership , and values .

  8. 因此,他的故事既有启发性,也有告诫意义,其中充满了创新、品质、领导力和价值观方面的经验。

    His tale is thus both instructive and cautionary , filled with lessons about innovation , character , leadership , and values .

  9. 根据《试验社会心理学杂志》的一项研究表明,人们似乎并不认为“创新”是领导必备的素质。【认识创新领导力:思想表达创新化是否不利于认识领导潜力---JenniferMueller,JackGoncaloandDishanKamdar】

    That 's according to a study in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology . [ Jennifer Mueller , Jack Goncalo and Dishan Kamdar , " Recognizing creative leadership : Can creative idea expression negatively relate to of leadership potential ? " ]