
  1. 今年10月31日,多次闯荡创业之路的企业家杰里米•奥莱尔又宣布在波士顿成立Circle公司,致力于开发数字货币交易所需的工具,推出的工具可受理商家提供的数字货币。

    Serial entrepreneur Jeremy Allaire yesterday announced the launch of circle , a Boston-based developer of digital currency acceptance tools for merchants .

  2. 本文就是在这一大背景之下,以A公司为主要案例,以B、C公司为辅助案例,探讨中小型企业在高端IT服务领域的创业之路。

    Under like this big background , this text researches the road of starting an undertaking of the medium-small scaled enterprises in the area of sophisticated IT service , with A company as primary case and B C companies as aided case .

  3. 在其他地方,人们因为没有其他选择而走上创业之路。

    Elsewhere , people resort to entrepreneurship because they have limited options .

  4. 徐佳与五位年轻员工一起开始了自己的创业之路。

    Xu started his business with five young employees .

  5. 然而,戴维奇姐弟走上创业之路实属偶然。

    But entrepreneurship was accidental for the Davich siblings .

  6. 在上完一次市场营销课后,三个女孩创建了一个微博账号,从而开始了创业之路。

    After a marketing course , the three girls launched a micro blog and started their business .

  7. 所有人都把他们的钱放到了桌子上,就这样,我们凑了6万美元,开始了阿里巴巴的创业之路。

    Everyone put their money on the table and that got us $ 60 , 000 to start Alibaba .

  8. 融中外管理之长走质量创业之路高新技术资产评估的数学模型及计算方法

    High quality depends on advanced management mathematical model & calculation method applied to the assets evaluation of advanced technology

  9. 他从父母手里接过30余亩(约合2万平方米)田地,开始了自己种植韭菜的创业之路。

    He took over his parents " 20000-square-meter plot of land and set up a business : growing Chinese chives .

  10. 路莫非在十几年前还是个大学生的时候,就开办了一个自己的网站,以此开启了自己的首次创业之路。

    Lu Mofei launched his own website , his maiden entrepreneurial effort , when he was still a college student decades ago .

  11. 下文介绍的八位小孩已经赚得百万身家,看看他们的创业之路能够带给你什么启迪。

    Check out these eight kids who made a million , or more , and what you can learn from their success :

  12. 然而,创业之路异常艰难,大学生要想成功创业,创业能力的培养是关键。

    However , The entrepreneurial path is extremely difficult . If students want to succeed in business the training of entrepreneurial ability is the key .

  13. 好工作匮乏意味着,许多人不得不走创业之路。不过,归根到底,需求才是发明之母。

    The lack of good jobs means many are obliged to take this route – but necessity is the mother of invention , after all .

  14. 小郭说,严峻的就业形势是越来越多的大学生一毕业就走上创业之路的主要原因。

    Guo said that the shortage of graduate jobs is the main reason driving more university students to set up a business right after their graduation .

  15. 我的创业之路始于从一份咨询工作被解雇,然后与我作为第二位员工加入的初创公司闹得有点不愉快。

    My journey as an entrepreneur began when I was fired from a consulting job and then had a minor falling out with the start-up I had joined as the second employee .

  16. 印度的创业之路比起中国自己的(发展)道路晚几年,但是这个差距正在缩小。在为期三周的印度访问之间,我非常惊奇的见证了这一点。

    India 's entrepreneurial journey is a few years behind China 's own path , but the gap is narrowing . I was surprised to see this in a recent three-week stint of interviews there .

  17. 除非你抱有能够帮助自己度过艰难时日并且在最初的热情逐渐消退之后的很长时间里仍能保持浓厚兴趣的热忱,否则开始创业之路将是不明智的选择。

    It 's unwise to start down the path of entrepreneurship unless you 've got a zeal that will get you through rough patches and keep you interested long after the initial enthusiasm has faded .

  18. 在看了山西人的创业之路后,我觉的他们之所以能成功,除了靠他们良好的经营之外还有他们讲信用,他们那种诚心诚意对待顾客的敬业精神。

    After watch the entrepreneur of Shanxi people , I think that the reason of their successful , except relying on their good operation , also their work spirit of treat the customer with faithful .

  19. 如果想获得贷款,那么商务计划书是必不可少的部分。维拉休斯是“创业之路”一书的合作作者,现在现身说法,教我们如何做好商务计划书。

    Vera Hughes , co-author of ' Teach Yourself : Setting Up A Small Business ' is here to advise on how best to write your business plan . This is essential if you are looking to obtain a business loan .

  20. 杨凌创业中心二次创业之路大采高工作面顺槽位置模拟研究

    Simulation on the position of road along next gob with large mining height face

  21. 创业学的本土化,必须走中西创业文化兼容并包之路。

    The localization of entrepreneurship must follow a all-inclusive road which covers the entrepreneurial culture between China and the West .

  22. 知识经济时代要求年轻大学生担负起创业的历史重任,就业压力增大也将越来越多的大学生推上了自主创业之路。

    In the times of knowledge economy , young university students are entrusted with historical tasks .

  23. 大学生创业是时代的召唤和教育发展的客观要求,随着金融危机的不断蔓延,将会有越来越多的大学生被推上了自主创业之路。

    University students ' innovative undertaking is geared to the call of the times and the objective requirements of educational development . With the widespread financial crisis , there will be more and more university students forced to become self-employed .