
  • 网络Innovation layer;Create New Layer
  1. 分别是有近6000家公司的基础层,有1200家公司的创新层,以及有66家挂牌公司的精选层。

    the basic with close to 6000 companies , the innovative with 1200 firms , and the select with 66 listed businesses .

  2. 本文结合服务创新和业务层战略等相关理论,对开利中央空调及其售后服务进行深入分析。

    This article will in-depth analyze Carrier aftermarket service business by service innovation and business level strategic management theories .

  3. 本文从服务观念、服务技术、服务产品、服务市场和服务管理的创新等几个层面对旅游服务创新的研究进行了综述,并试图提出一种综合性的研究思路。

    This paper summarises the researches of tourism service innovation from various aspects like service concept , service technique ; service products , service market ; and service management .

  4. 它根据层次分析法的原理对影响企业技术创新的准则层和因子层进行了模糊综合评价。

    Because it to affected the enterprise technological innovation according to the analytic hierarchy process principle the criterion level and the sublayer has carried on the fuzzy quality synthetic evaluation .

  5. 创新从领导层开始做起。领导层必须营造一个可以不断创新的环境,以激励人们的创新思维。

    Innovation starts at the top , and it is important for leaders to create an environment where innovation is constant , where people have the skills and incentives to think creatively .

  6. 本文从资源禀赋、后起者优势及制度创新三个层面对我国的对外贸易比较优势理论予以拓展,以求为我国的开放型经济建设提供一些有益的参考。

    The author extends the Principle of Comparative Advantage in China from three parts including the quantity of resource , the advantage of the new player and the innovation of the system .

  7. 第三部分通过分析阻碍制度创新的三层阴影,结合制度创新的具体内容,来谈中国现代化进程中制度创新的路径选择,在此基础上,进一步提出实现制度创新的保障。

    The third part discusses the route choice of institution innovation in China 's modernization drive and further proposes how to realize the institution innovation in China by analyzing three layers of shade which hinder the institution innovation with a combination of the concrete content of institution innovation .

  8. 合理的薪酬激励有利于激励创新型企业管理层和知识型员工为提高企业绩效、提升企业价值而努力工作。

    A rational compensation motivation is benefit to inspire management and knowledge employee to work hard for improving corporation performance and value .

  9. 同时,对以太组织的发展动力进行了分析,认为创新型、中间层组织、高端价值链定位、网络效应与规模效应的应用是以太组织得以发展的基本动力。

    Then the development power of the Ether Organization is analyzed . It is pointed out innovative , middle layer , high-end value chain positioning , network effects and scale effects of the application are the basic power of the Ether Organization .

  10. 创新已经成为我国经济发展的重中之重,创新主体从组织层的角度应该是企业,从个体层次来看创新主体是研发人员、具有企业家精神的人等。

    Innovation has been vitally important for economy in our country . On the organizational dimension , innovating main power are enterprises ; and on the individual dimension , innovating main power are RD staffs , entrepreneurs and so on .