
  1. 同时,我们意识到,孩子们可能对进入成年阶段,自由创造自己的数字足迹感兴趣。

    " At the same time , we recognize that children might have an interest in entering adulthood free to create their own digital footprint . "

  2. 我们还看到3d打印机变得更加实惠,价格最低只有500美元,这使消费者能够创造自己的东西,以类似喷墨打印机的方式,用塑料或者其他材料一层层地打印出物品。

    We are also seeing more affordable 3D printers , costing as little as $ 500 , that allow consumers to create their own objects , built up layer by layer in plastic and other materials , in a method similar to inkjet printers .

  3. 我希望你能翻来覆去读你最爱的苏斯博士的书,直到你灵感涌动,开始创造自己关于VipperofVipp的故事。

    I hope you read your favorite Dr. Seuss books so many times you start inventing your own stories about the Vipper of Vipp .

  4. 让我们用自己的实际行动来创造自己的生活吧!

    Let 's use our practical action to make our life !

  5. 他有个怪念头,想要创造自己的宗教。

    He 's got some dotty idea of starting his own religion .

  6. 一直以来,你们都在创造自己的实相。

    You are creating your own reality all the time .

  7. 预测自己未来的最好方法是创造自己的未来。

    The best way to predict your future is to create it .

  8. 我想靠自己的努力创造自己的未来。

    I want to study the best knowledge out there .

  9. 这是我创造自己身份的方式。

    It is a way for me to create my own identity .

  10. 它们有着创造自己走势的习惯。

    They have a habit of making their own trends .

  11. 人类创造自己的家,家既是建筑,也是环境。

    Human created their homes which are architectures and environment as well .

  12. 切去没用的部分创造自己想要的形状。

    Cutting away parts to create a desired shape .

  13. 好吧,那你告诉我,我是怎么创造自己的人生的?

    Okay , so how am I doing all of this crating again ?

  14. 我如何创造自己的生命?

    And how do I create my own life ?

  15. 生活不仅仅是发现自己,也是创造自己。

    Life isn 't about finding yourself , it 's about creating yourself .

  16. 他们会用自己的话,创造自己的演讲风格。

    They also use their own words and develop their own speaking styles .

  17. 你们准备好创造自己的未来了么?

    Are you ready to create your own future ?

  18. 因为我也有创造自己的舞步。

    I make up my own steps , too .

  19. 创造自己的语言环境。

    Try to create your own English environment .

  20. 搬家时,运动的船创造自己的明显的风。

    When moving , the motion of the boat creates its own apparent wind .

  21. 第三步是学会如何用积极的回忆来再创造自己。

    The third step is learning how to use positive memories to reinvent yourself .

  22. 因此我们不得不创造自己的文化和美丽的风景。

    So we have to create our own culture as well as beautiful landscapes .

  23. 道德想象力意味着创造自己新生的能力。

    Moral imagination means the capacity to envision new ways to live your life .

  24. 但是你觉得艺术家可以创造自己的道德标准吗?

    But you do have the capacity to create your own principles of morality .

  25. 如果你熟悉六角编辑,你可以创造自己。

    If you are familiar with hex editor , you can create it yourself .

  26. 你可以创造自己的电子书市场一个难以置信的低价格。

    You can create and market your own ebook for an unbelievably low price .

  27. 为什么不创造自己的时尚呢?

    Why not make one 's own fashions ?

  28. 人性是人类在创造自己的社会和改造大自然的过程中演化的。

    Human nature has been evolving during the mankind transforms the society and the nature .

  29. 让创造自己解决它的一切吧。

    Let creation settle its own affairs .

  30. 但同时透纳也是一个控制欲极强的艺术家,喜欢自己创造自己的神话。

    But he also was a control freak and an artist who built his own myth .