
  1. 中关村2006启动创投企业风险补贴

    Z-Park starts up risk subsidy for initial investing enterprises

  2. 出现这种倾向的原因来自创投企业投资前和投资后所扮演的不同角色。

    Reasons for this tendency lie in both the pre-investment and post-investment roles of VC firms .

  3. 在熊市能坚持下来的创投企业就有机会,不能死在黎明前的黑暗。

    Achieve in what Xiong Fu can insist to come down cast an enterprise to have an opportunity , what cannot die before dawn is dark .

  4. 投资各方应相应修改创投企业合同和章程,并报审批机构备案。

    Investment all quarters should correspondingly revise create throw the enterprise contract and the regulation , and the newspaper examination and approval organization sets up a file .

  5. 采用公司制组织形式的创投企业(以下简称公司制创投企业)的投资者以其各自认缴的出资额为限对创投企业承担责任。

    For a corporate-form FBIE , the investors shall bear the liabilities to the company within the limit of the amount of investment made by each of them .

  6. 非法人制创投企业向登记机关申请变更登记时,上述规定中审批机关出具的相关备案证明可替代相应的审批文件。

    The illegal person system creates throws the enterprise when applies for the change registration to the registration institution , in the above stipulation the examination and approval institution writes up the correlation sets up a file the certificate to be possible to substitute the corresponding examination and approval document .

  7. 而如果是其他类别,则通过不同类别间的比较得出该类与最高类的差别,创投机构对风险企业进行价值评估时,可以把这些差别作为考虑是否进入的指标。

    If the other categories , by comparison between the category we can get the differences to highest category . Venture capital institutions for risk assessment of the value of enterprises , as these differences can consider whether to enter the target .