
chū rèn
  • Appoint;take up the post of
出任 [chū rèn]
  • [take up the post of] 应聘或受命充任

  • 出任理事

出任[chū rèn]
  1. 他于1970年到1974年间出任大法官。

    He was Lord Chancellor from 1970 until 1974 .

  2. 克劳斯先生将出任首席执行官,手下有4位经理。

    Mr Cross will assume the role of Chief Executive with a team of four directors

  3. 由于妻子生病,他回到了国务院,出任总统的特别顾问。

    Due to his wife 's illness , he returned to the State Department as special adviser to the President

  4. 你们准备推荐谁出任此职?

    Who are you going to recommend for the post ?

  5. 年吉宁出任行政总负责人时,国际电话电报公司正处于不景气时期

    ITT was stagnating when Geneen became the chief executive officer in 1959 . 1959

  6. 上周初他又担当了一个全新的重任,同意出任微软公司(Microsoft)的董事长。

    Then earlier this week , he took on a huge new responsibility .

  7. 2010年初,莫伊尼汉开始出任美国银行CEO。

    Moynihan became the CEO of B of a in early 2010 .

  8. 蘑菇街CEO陈琪将出任新公司CEO一职。

    Mogujie founder Chen Qi will become the CEO of the merged company .

  9. 新一任商务部长在早些时候宣布将由比尔•理查森(BillRichardson)出任。

    The new commerce secretary , announced earlier , will be Bill Richardson .

  10. 2000年IMF总裁职位空缺时,多个发展中国家都提名他出任该职。

    A group of developing countries proposed him for the job when it became open in 2000 .

  11. 为何你出任CEO并修补与皮克斯的关系如此重要?

    Why was it important for you to come in and kind of patch up this relationship with Pixar .

  12. 舒尔茨之所以在2008重新出任CEO,是因为他觉得就像一个老船长能感觉到自己的船正慢慢沉没。

    Schultz returned as CEO in 2008 because he felt like a former captain who could sense his ship slowly sinking .

  13. 埃里森担任该职位已有37年,以后他将担任该公司执行董事长兼首席技术官,萨夫拉•卡茨和马克•赫德将出任思科公司联席CEO。

    He 'll become executive chairman and CTO , ceding the top spot to SafraCatz and Mark Hurd after 37 years .

  14. 在亚洲当了20多年记者之后,马克·祈福德(MarkClifford)于2007年出任总部在香港的亚洲企业领袖协会(AsiaBusinessCouncil)常务董事。

    After 20 years in Asia as a journalist , Mark Clifford took over as executive director of the Hong Kong-based Asia Business Council in 2007 .

  15. 威廉斯出生于芝加哥,曾经是加州蓝十字(bluecross)公司的总裁,于2001年安泰陷入财务困境之际出任该公司首席运营官。

    Formerly president of Blue Cross of California , Chicago-born Mr Williams joined Aetna as chief operating officer in 2001 , when the company was in financial trouble .

  16. 有尼古拉萨科齐(nicolassarkozy)这样刚愎自用的政客出任总统,恰恰是国家最需要强有力反对党的时候。

    Few politicians are so in need of strong opposition as the headstrong President Nicolas Sarkozy .

  17. 惠特曼将出任拆分出来的HPEnterprise的首席执行官。她还对公司未来几年的增长前景表示了悲观。

    Ms Whitman , who will become CEO of HP Enterprise after the split , also offered a downbeat view of the company 's growth prospects in the next few years .

  18. 廖满嫦于2013年10月才出任MSF国际主席。

    Liu only became international president in October 2013 .

  19. 现在,本田汽车公司已作出一个让人惊讶但又在情理之中的决定:聘请一位前克莱斯勒汽车公司(Chrysler)高管出任市场营销总裁。

    Now Honda has made the surprising but understandable decision to hire a former Chrysler executive as its marketing officer .

  20. 奥巴马已任命对解决全球变暖问题充满热情的朱棣文(StevenChu)出任新能源部长。

    Mr Obama has appointed people such as Steven Chu , the new energy secretary , who are passionate about tackling global warming .

  21. 当希拉里•克林顿(HillaryClinton)把东京作为她出任国务卿后首次外交出访的第一站时,传达出同样的公开慰藉之意。

    Hillary Clinton offered the same public reassurance when she made Tokyo the first stop on her inaugural trip as secretary of state .

  22. 这位成功且胸怀大志的美国律师上月脱离了传统的法律职业道路,离开力拓并出任cpaglobal战略总监一职。

    A high-flying US lawyer , this month she deviated from the traditional legal career path to leave Rio Tinto and take up a position as director of strategy at CPA global .

  23. 合并可能采取的方案之一是,雅虎收购AOL,由阿姆斯特朗出任新公司的CEO。

    One potential scenario under consideration is AOL being acquired by Yahoo , with Armstrong becoming the CEO of the new conglomerate .

  24. 除了担任惠普企业公司的CEO外,惠特曼还将出任拆分后的新惠普公司董事长,该公司将专注从事个人电脑与打印机业务。

    In addition to her CEO role at Hewlett-Packard Enterprises , Whitman will also be chair of the new HP Inc. , a personal computer and printers company .

  25. 当然,雅各布是在沃瑟斯坦去世后,于去年11月才接替他出任Lazard的CEO。

    To be sure , Jacobs took over as CEO in only November , following Wasserstein 's death .

  26. 英国政府表示,保险业资深人士罗恩桑德勒(ronsandler)将出任北岩董事长,并负责该行的扭亏行动。

    The government said insurance industry veteran Ron Sandler would chair Northern Rock and oversee its turnround .

  27. 5年前,当我出任诺丁汉商学院(NottinghamUniversityBusinessSchool)的院长时,很多学生都明明白白地倾向于把我视为老古董,这让我很郁闷,但我也完全可以理解。

    Five years ago , when I became dean of Nottingham University Business School , the inclination among many of my students to view me as a dinosaur was not only painfully manifest , but entirely understandable .

  28. 几年前,我拒绝出任Facebook公司工程副总裁一职,因为我要去追求一位女孩,而她现在就是我的太太。

    I turned down the opportunity to be VP of engineering at Facebook ( FB ) several years ago in order to pursue the woman who is now my wife .

  29. 他曾是网络电影与电视剧流媒体服务公司Netflix的联合创始人,并曾经出任该公司第一任首席执行官。

    Most recently Marc was co-founder of the online movie and television streaming service Netflix , serving as their first CEO .

  30. 微软周二表示,领导新任首席执行官遴选工作的董事会董事约翰汤普森(JohnThompson),将接替盖茨出任董事长。

    John Thompson , a director on the board who led the search for a new chief , will replace Mr Gates as chairman , Microsoft said on Tuesday .