
  1. 再次,结合该社自身特点和其他大学出版社转制及战略发展的经验,确定了适应H大学出版社当前发展要求的两种备选战略:集中型专业出版战略、分散型专业出版战略。

    Again , In view of its own condition and the experience of other University Press in process of reform and strategic development , two alternative strategies which meet the requirements of current development are ascertained as follows : centralized and professional publishing strategy , decentralized and professional publishing strategy .

  2. 当我们把目光都聚焦在出版社转制问题上时,在出版业,一种新的现象正在迅速发展。

    When we all put the focus on the issue of publishing conversion , in the publishing industry , a new phenomenon is growing rapidly .

  3. 本文旨在吸收、借鉴国内外关于战略管理的现有研究基础上,以个案研究的形式,探讨中国大学出版社由事业单位转制为企业单位后的战略分析与战略选择问题。

    The paper is a case study on which has absorbed and drawn upon fruits of existing research about strategic management , aims to explore the strategic analysis and strategic choice of University Press in China , which has transforming from a public institution into an enterprises .

  4. 随着国家文化体制的改革,出版社特别是大学出版社的转制和改制被提上了日程,转制改革成为大学出版社未来发展的唯一出路。

    With the reform of the national cultural institutions , the publishing industry especially the University Press Transformation and Restructuring are being put on the agenda , and the conversion reform is the only way for future development of the University Press .