
yè yú jiào yù
  • spare-time education;sparetime education
业余教育 [yè yú jiào yù]
  • [sparetime education]为提高工人、农民、干部等的政治、文化和科学、技术水平,在业余时间进行的教育

  1. 成人业余教育的实践研究

    A Study of the Spare - time Education in Practice

  2. 远程教育在干部业余教育中的应用探讨

    Discussion on Long Distance Education in Party School Education

  3. 政府发放100万美元来促进业余教育。

    The government released $ 1 million to help promote spare time education .

  4. 电视大学已经被认为是最有效的业余教育的方法。

    University TV has been regarded as the most effective method of part-time education .

  5. 而中国的业余教育所涵盖的范围非常广,几乎涵盖了中国各种等级的教育。

    Spare-time education included a very broad range of educational activities at all levels .

  6. 中央苏区工农业余教育初论

    A Preliminary Research of the Workers and Peasants Amateur Education of the Central Soviet Area

  7. 成人业余教育的管理实践,教学计划、过程、终端管理;

    The practice of governing spare-time adult education includes teaching plan , teaching progress and terminal management .

  8. 第一个案例讨论上海远程教育和业余教育面临的挑战,着重介绍上海电视大学;

    The first examines the challenges facing distance and part-time education in Shanghai , focussing on Shanghai 's television university .

  9. 第三部分为中央苏区工农业余教育的主要特点。

    The third part is the main characters of the workers and peasants amateur education of the Central Soviet Area .

  10. 不仅日本的大学,连一些短期大学、中等专科学校,高中和地方的业余教育机构也都设有汉语课程。

    In Japan , not only universities , but also short-term universities , intermediate junior colleges , senior high school and local amateur institutions provide Chinese course .

  11. 成人业余教育的思考,更新观念、编好教材、建设教管队伍、建立评价体系,加大监控力度、加强思想教育。

    The thinking of spare-time adult education is to think how to update concepts , compile textbooks , organize the teaching and managing staffs , build evaluating system , strengthen supervision and ideological education .

  12. 20世纪50年代农民业余文化教育述论

    Commentary on the Spare-time Cultural Education for the Peasants in the 1950s

  13. 增强高校学生业余党校教育的可持续性

    Strengthen the Sustainability of the Part-time Party School of the CPC in Universities

  14. 门外谈业余钢琴教育

    Amateur talks about Sparetime Piano Learning

  15. 珠三角新兴城市&佛山市业余钢琴教育的现状与展望

    The Current Situation and Prospect of the Amateur Piano Education of FOSHAN & A New City in the Pearl River Delta

  16. 我国业余钢琴教育改变了许多家庭的文化生活结构,逐渐形成了一种全新的家庭生活氛围。

    Piano latently edifies people 's sentiment and enriches people 's life , and meanwhile creates a lot of musical talents .

  17. 其次,对新加坡专业与业余钢琴教育中的教学体系,师资力量等方面进行系统的研究与探讨,并提出存在的问题。

    The second part studies system of professional and amateur education system , as well as actuality of piano teachers . This part also points out some existing problems .

  18. 希望本文能够起到抛砖引玉的作用,对延吉市业余钢琴教育事业的发展提供一些参考,为今后延吉市业余钢琴教育事业能够更加快速、健康的发展,提供理论依据。

    I hope this article can play a role , to the Yanji City amateur piano education development to provide some reference for the future , Yanji City amateur piano education more healthy development , and provide a theoretical basis .

  19. 本文通过实地走访、调查、访谈等研究方法,对郑州市的业余钢琴教育机构、教学现状以及有关业余钢琴教育的相关活动进行了比较深入和全面的调查。

    The researcher made a deep and comprehensive research on the amateur piano education institutions , the current situation of teaching and the related activities in Zheng Zhou city , based on the research methods such as observations , questionnaires and interviews .

  20. 关于郑州市业余钢琴教育的历史方面,本文对郑州市早期从事该教学的主要教学人物进行深度访谈,梳理出郑州市早期业余钢琴教育的基本线索。

    About Zhengzhou City amateur piano education history , the paper gives a deep interview of the main teaching characters in Zhengzhou city in the early teaching , to tease out the basic clue to the early amateur piano education in Zhengzhou city .

  21. 本文文章中涉及武汉市长笛教育的相关背景,对专业长笛教育和业余长笛教育现状的调查,对长笛音乐活动的开展,以及长笛教师的相关背景,学生学习达到的程度及效果。

    Involved in Wuhan City , flute education background , professional flute education and amateur flute education of the survey , carried out on the activities of flute music and flute teacher background , students learn to the extent and effect of this article .

  22. 在调查分析的基础上,作者提出了如何优化业余钢琴教育的对策及建议,其中包括加强对业余培训机构的监管力度、努力提高业余钢琴培训的教学质量,整合优化教育机构资源等内容。

    Based on the analysis of the researching results , the author approved some suggestions on how to optimize the amateur piano education , such as strengthen the supervision on training institutions , try to improve the education qualities of piano education and optimize the materials of education institutions .

  23. 有,我业余在南京教育学院做兼职教师。

    Yes , I am a part-time teacher at Nanjing Teacher 's College .

  24. 业余党校教学教育观初探

    On universities Teaching & Education of Amateur Party Schools

  25. 业余音乐创作教育新析

    New Analysis on the Education of Amateur Musical Creation

  26. 例如:需要加强对延吉市业余钢琴机构的管理、提高业余钢琴教育的教学质量方面的建议。

    Such as : the city of Yanji to strengthen management , improve the mechanism of amateur piano piano education teaching quality .