
  • 网络Business Component
  1. 这样的一种Web服务可以很容易从已有的业务组件中开发出来。

    Such a web services architecture is easy to develop from existing business components .

  2. Web服务的出现,使企业可以提供“标准的”、Web可访问的业务组件,企业间通过Web服务就可实现有效的业务集成。

    The Web services can provide the standard and web-accessible business components for the enterprises .

  3. GeneralSystem服务创建一个可重用业务组件,可由其他流程或服务调用。

    General System services create a reusable business component that may be invoked by other processes or services .

  4. 在下面的过程中,将为业务组件数据创建一个简单的xml文件。

    In the following procedure , you will create a simple XML file for the business component data .

  5. CAI再次调用这些业务组件处理程序方法,按照以下顺序

    Again , CAI calls these business component handler methods in this sequence

  6. 一种基于扩展面向对象Petri网的业务组件建模方法

    Business Component Modeling Based on Expanded Object-oriented Petri Net

  7. 一个具有WebService能力的基础设施,能够支持智能直接通讯,并支持在松散耦合和解耦业务组件之间的间接关联。

    " A Web-services-capable infrastructure that supports intelligently directed communication and mediated relationships among loosely coupled and decoupled biz components . "( Source : Gartner Group )

  8. 基于CORBA的业务组件模型与实现

    The Business Components Model Based on CORBA and Its Implementation

  9. 基于CORBA业务组件的领域框架研究

    Research on domain framework based on the CORBA business component

  10. 然后对基于构件的项目管理体系结构的进行分析,提出了项目管理构件库来处理企业级WEB应用项目中的业务组件的组件依赖和系统演化等问题。

    Then component-based project manager architecture is analyzed , project manager component repository is provided to resolve component dependency between business components and system evolvement .

  11. 简而言之,您将看到,样例业务组件如何利用CAIAPI。

    Shortly , you will see how the sample business component utilizes the CAI API .

  12. CAI业务组件使用了一个由WebSphereApplicationServer扩展库实现的插件架构,用于管理服务器扩展。

    CAI business components use a plug-in architecture , implemented using the WebSphere Application Server extension registry system for managing server extensions .

  13. IT合作伙伴负责提供Web门户,而客户组织负责生成业务组件和支持数据服务。

    The IT partner was responsible for providing the Web portal , whereas the client organization had responsibility for producing business components and supporting data services .

  14. 然后,这个业务组件自动在扩展注册表中注册,可访问CAI。

    The business component is then automatically registered in the extension registry and accessible to CAI .

  15. portlet需要知道有关业务组件的两点内容。

    The portlet needs to know two things about the business component .

  16. 将声明式UI增加到业务组件绑定中

    Add Declarative UI to Business Components Binding

  17. Create在实例化的初始阶段调用,触发一个新业务组件示例的创建和所需资源的实例化。

    Create is called at the beginning of the instantiation phase and triggers the creation of a new business component instance and the initialization of needed resources .

  18. 要使用这些特性,业务组件必须实现相应的CAISPI。

    To utilize these features , a business component must implement corresponding CAI SPIs .

  19. 同时我们也发现了当前MDA技术在页面布局、代码生成和业务组件配置等方面的不足。

    We also found MDA technology gaps in the page layout , code generation , and business components configuration .

  20. 这个类通过实现CAIComponentSPI的接口,使用CAI架构履行业务组件契约。

    This class fulfills the business component contract with the CAI architecture by implementing interfaces of the CAI Component SPI .

  21. 当开始使用Java定义业务组件时,框架的灵活性得到了改进,但却丧失了简单性。

    When we started to use Java for defining business components , the flexibility of the framework was improved , but we lost some simplicity .

  22. 将业务组件与portlet关联起来

    Associating the business component with a portlet

  23. 这是所有业务组件引用的JNDI前缀。

    This is the JNDI prefix for all business component references .

  24. 组件使用portlet作为CAI(CompositeApplicationInfrastructure,位置的组件运行时)业务组件的前端。

    The component uses a portlet as a front end for a CAI ( Composite Application Infrastructure , the component runtime for places ) business component .

  25. CAI使用在IBMWebSphereApplicationServer中集成的Eclipse扩展点框架来检索一个业务组件的业务组件处理程序。

    CAI utilizes the Eclipse extension point framework that is integrated in IBM WebSphere Application Server to retrieve the business component handler of a business component .

  26. Activate在实例化的结尾调用,激活业务组件的使用。

    Activate is at the end of the instantiation phase in order to activate the business component for usage .

  27. 当一个备份被执行时,CAI检查应用程序的哪个业务组件始终支持备份。

    When a backup is performed , CAI checks which business components that are part of the application support backups at all .

  28. 这使得只要Portlet被添加到应用程序,CAI就可以创建一个业务组件实例。

    This enables CAI to create a business component instance as soon as the portlet is added to an application .

  29. CBM支持对形成差别的业务组件进行标识,还支持对业务流程进行分析。

    CBM enables the identification of differentiating business components and the analysis of key business processes .

  30. 要使策略状态报告更为精确,一个业务组件可以直接调用CAI来更新它的传感器数据(push机制)。

    To enable more accurate policy status reporting , a business component can invoke CAI directly to update its sensor data ( push mechanism ) .