
  • 网络traffic;flow;Service Flow;Business Flow;Workflow
  1. 网络业务流的建模分析及Web业务流控制研究

    Research on Network Traffic Modeling , Analysis and Web Traffic Control

  2. Internet业务流的自相似性&建模、分析与控制

    Self-similarity in internet traffic & Modeling , analysis and control

  3. Internet中的相变现象及一种新的相变业务流模型

    Phase Transition Phenomena in the Internet and a New Phase Transition-Based Traffic Model

  4. 研究了Web业务流的控制问题。

    The control of web traffic is solved .

  5. 用于业务流设计的一种多Agent模型

    Multi - Agent Model for Traffic Engineering

  6. 一种基于XML的付费搜索服务业务流模型

    A New Workflow Model for the Paying of Web Searching Service Based on XML

  7. 通常情况下,公司会实现一个业务流,它自动地处理案例从New到Closed状态的转移。

    Typically , companies implement a business flow that automates the process of moving a case from New to Closed .

  8. 基于包特征检测的IP业务流分析模型

    IP Traffic Analysis Model Based on Package Characteristic Detection

  9. 无线IP网络中保证QoS的业务流拒绝机制

    Flow Rejection Algorithm for QoS Maintenance in Wireless IP Environment

  10. 基于业务流、GPS和GIS的城市管理系统的设计与实现

    Design and implementation of city management system based on services flow , gps and GIS

  11. IP业务流的建模技术是QoS分析的基础。

    The analysis basis of QoS is the modeling technology of IP traffic flow .

  12. 多类别业务流的局部化QoS多路径路由算法

    Localized Multi-Path QoS Routing Algorithm for Multi-Class Traffic Flows

  13. 反向业务流对TCP性能的影响研究

    Study on the Influence of Reverse Traffic on TCP

  14. 随着Internet的迅猛发展,业务流检测已经成为合理高效的应用网络资源的重要手段。

    With the development of Internet , detection of network flow has become the important way of making use of network resources efficiently .

  15. ATM业务流控制的一些有效方法

    Some Effective Methods to Control Traffics in ATM Networks

  16. 网络拓扑辨识对于提高多媒体业务流在adhoc网络中的传输质量具有重要的意义。

    Network topology identification is significant to improve multimedia streaming transmission quality in Ad hoc network .

  17. 最后,根据已经得到的FARIMA(p,d,q)模型,提出了预测未来业务流流量的方法,并通过实际业务量进行了验证。

    Finally , the prediction method of network traffic is proposed .

  18. ATM业务流控制技术

    The ATM Traffic Flow Control Technology

  19. 基于多媒体数据的网络业务流对服务质量(QoS)提出了更高的要求。

    The network services based on multimedia data put forward higher requirement for QoS ( Quality of Service ) .

  20. 基于RPR业务流统计部分的FPGA实现

    FPGA implementation of RPR-based traffic flow statistics

  21. 保证业务流QoS的EDF算法

    EDF Algorithm for Traffic Flows ' QoS Guarantees

  22. 针对计算机网络中的视频会议业务流,提出了一种新的GammaBeta多重分形模型。

    A new Gamma-Beta based multifractal model for video conference traffic in the computer networks is proposed .

  23. 数值结果与分析显示,基于分形漏桶的GPS系统性能模型对自相似业务流具有较好的性能。

    Numerical simulations demonstrate that the performance model of a GPS system based on fractal leaky bucket regulators is suited for the self-similar traffic .

  24. 本方案涉及了业务流的吞吐量、端到端延时、丢包率,对QoS参数的考虑较全面,参数调节的策略简单有效,容易实现。

    On the QoS parameters consider a more comprehensive . Parameter adjustment strategy is simple and effective , easy to implement .

  25. 对ATM中一种VBR业务流模型的分析

    Analysis and Assessment of a VBR Traffic Model

  26. NAT环境中业务流测量的实现

    Implementation of Network Measure in NAT Environment

  27. 功能关注点:操作系统、服务组件、服务、业务流进程和消费者界面;所有这些都存在Cloud中且和Clould相关。

    The functional concerns : operational systems , service components , services , business processes and consumer interfaces ; all exist in and are relevant to Cloud .

  28. OBS组装算法与业务流特性关系研究

    Study on the relationship between optical burst switching assembly algorithm and traffic stream property

  29. 它们的出站功能会在业务流需要调用某些EIS功能时使用。

    Their outbound functionality is used when the business flow needs to invoke certain EIS functions .

  30. Internet的迅速发展和用户计算模式的改变使传统的校园网络业务流发生了革命性的改变,子网间流量的增长促使人们寻求更为强大的路由能力。

    The quick development of Internet and the changes in computing mode lead to a revolutionary change in traditional networking flow , the increasing flow between subnets makes people seek for greater routing ability .