
  • 网络Edge Device
  1. ATM络边缘设备必须特别适应处理MPEG交换和抖动管理,以补偿网络中传播延迟。

    The ATM network edge device must be particularly adept at handling MPEG switching and jitter management to compensate for propagation delays in the network .

  2. 为了提高统一边缘设备的资源利用率,对当前应用较广泛的几种QAM资源分配算法进行了研究。

    In order to improve the resource utilization of the univeral edge device , this article studies several QAM resource allocation algorithms .

  3. VPN嵌入边缘设备的研究

    The Research of VPN - Supporting Edge - Device

  4. 随着Internet飞速发展,网络应用对QoS要求越来越高,越来越多网络流量推向边缘设备和终端主机。比如网络电话、视频点播、网络会议等。

    With the rapid development of internet , more and more network applications such as VOIP , VOD , and network conference are having the higher demand for QoS , which also push more and more traffic load to the Internet edge equipments and end hosts .

  5. 本文提出一种MPOA边缘设备的方案,已经实现了局域网仿真网桥的功能,并且达到了很高的性能。

    This paper introduces a design of LANE / MPOA edge device , LANE bridging function has been implemented and the performance is good .

  6. 从网络安全的现状和现有技术入手,分析了VPN嵌入交换机、路由器和防火墙三种边缘设备的方案,并讨论了VPN嵌入边缘设备时三个主要问题的解决思路。

    Starting from the actuality and technologies of network security , three schemes are analysed , such as VPN-Supporting switches , VPN-Supporting routers and VPN-Supporting firewall . The solutions of three problems are discussed , that appear when VPN is embedded in edge devices .

  7. 基于S-mesh系统结构中,其片上通信网络采用电路交换方式,而处于网络外部边缘设备如资源节点则采用报文分组交换方式。

    In the S-mesh system , the kernel communication network adopts circuit switching mode , and the edge devices , such as resource nodes , adopt the packet switching mode .

  8. 同时配合网络边缘设备对攻击源实施阻断。

    Also , DDEs can interdict the attack sources working in network edge service in the same time .

  9. 在端到端拥塞控制中有两个主要部分:在网络设备中使用的链路算法和在主机及网络边缘设备中使用的源算法。

    There are two primary components in end-to-end congestion control : one is the link algorithm executed by network devices , such as routers or switches ;

  10. 其中,重点讨论了第一跳路由器、源端边缘设备、接收者端边缘设备和最末跳路由器四个主要节点的实现及相关函数。

    We focused on the achievement of related functions of the first hop router , the source edge device , the receiver-side edge and the last hop router .

  11. 根据拥塞控制算法的实现位置,主要分为源端算法和链路算法两种:源端算法在主机和网络边缘设备中执行,作用是根据反馈信息调整发送速率;

    According to the position of the algorithm achieve , they are falled into two algorithms : Source algorithm and Link algorithm , Source algorithm is performed at the mainframe and the end machines , it regulates the sending rate according the feedback information ;

  12. WRED在边缘路由设备的应用及验证

    Application and Evalution of WRED on Boarder Router

  13. 在基于边缘接入设备的overlay组播模型中的最小开销组播树建立问题中使用了一种启发式算法求解(基于遗传算法)。

    Further more , a overlay multicast structure based on access network devices is put forward too . In the structure , setting up a minimum cost multicast tree is solving by a heuristic algorithm ( based on genetic algorithm ) .

  14. 螺旋埋弧焊管机组铣边机是针对生产大壁厚钢管而配备的带钢边缘加工设备,用来保证钢板板宽精度和板边坡口质量。

    Milling edges machine of spiral submerged arc welded pipe unit is strip edges machining unit equipped to producing large wall thickness steel pipe and used for ensuring strip width and strip edges bevel quality .

  15. P2P技术引导网络计算模式从集中式向分布式偏移,也就是说网络应用的核心从中央服务器向网络边缘的终端设备扩散,所有网络节点上的设备都可以建立P2P对话。

    P2P technique leads the network computing mode from centralized to distributed . That is to say the core network applications transfer from centralized server to edge end users . All the network nodes can establish P2P sessions .

  16. 它引导网络应用的核心从中央服务器向网络边缘的终端设备扩散。

    It leads Web application center to move from central servers to user terminals that distributed on the edge of the Internet .

  17. 其核心思想是使应用从中央服务器向网络边缘的终端设备扩散,充分利用互联网中蕴含的潜在资源,减轻主干网络的负荷。

    It holds the main idea that takes the application to diffuse from centrality to edge of network . The main purposes are making use of the latent resource in network ; lighten the load in backbone network .

  18. 但事实上,仅靠网络边缘的外围安全设备已经无法保证网络的安全性,大部分安全事件是由企业网内部的有害终端引起的。

    But , in fact , only depending on the security device at the edge of network could not ensure the complete security of the enterprise network , as most of security incidents were caused by the malicious internal terminals of the corporate network .